

February 27, 2007

Human rights activists need to be protected

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in their press release today, express their shock and deepest concern about the killing of human rights activist, Dusko Kondor (right). They also addressed their concerns on some other cases of human rights defenders under threats and failure of authorities to protect them and their families.

February 26, 2007

Serbia not guilty of genocide

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has decided that Serbia is not guilty of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The Court establishes that Serbia has not committed genocide through its organs or persons whose acts engage its responsibility under customary international law or through violations of their obligations for prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide “, Rosalyn Higgins, the president of the ICJ, read from the ruling. (26-FEB-07)

February 15, 2007

State of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2006

In the year 2006, the major event in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the General Elections of 1 October. People´s representatives at all levels of government, excluding the local government, were elected. The whole year was marked by the elections and the elections campaign, although the official campaign was only one month long, stated Srdjan Dizdarevic, President of the BH Helsinki Committee, at the presentation of the Annual report on state of human rights in BH, on the press conference, held on monday. (15-FEB-07)

February 8, 2007

How the Universal Charter on Human’s Responsibilities came into being

Interaction Council, the association of former presidents and heads of governments all over the world, following long standing preparations with counsellors from different circles, on the 50th anniversary of the Universal Charter on Human Rights, proposed the Universal Charter on Human Responsibilities in 1998. In remembrance of the Universal Charter on Human Responsibilities, excerpts from the said address by Helmut Schmidt (right), former chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and honourable chair of the InterAction Council, published on 3 October 1997 are contained herewith. (07-FEB-07)

January 12, 2007

Discrimination of minorities in Bosnia unacceptable

After 12 years of work, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has gained the reputation of an impartial, objective monitor, an organization speaking out against violations of human rights, regardless of whom the violators or the victims are, and regardless of the ethnic, political and ideological background. – Interview with Srdjan Dizdarevic, Vice Chairman of the International Helsinki Federation and Chairman of the Helsinki Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (12-JAN-07)

December 14, 2006

Milosevic trial exposed Belgrade’s role in wars

The trial of Slobodan Milosevic, which ended with his death before a verdict could be rendered, has provided important evidence about the role of Belgrade in pursuing the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today in New York. (14-DEC-06)

December 7, 2006

Women in 2006 Elections: Partial Success Assisted by Electoral Quotas

The female election candidates did not manage, yet again, to exceed the percentage of mandates that has been repeated from elections to elections and has become a fatal and invisible, but a firm boundary that female candidates of Bosnia and Herzegovina have not succeeded in crossing. (05-DEC-06)

November 17, 2006

Romani children: Where are their rights?

The Law on Protection of National Minorities entered into force in 2003 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This law is based on the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities which was ratified by Bosnia and Herzegovina. BiH has not yet ratified the European Charter on Regional and Minority Languages. The Law it not being applied both because the necessary by-laws were not passed and because of the lack of political will. (16-NOV-06)

October 3, 2006

The Elections were Fair and Correct

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has assessed that the General Elections on 1 October 2006 were held in a fair and democratic atmosphere. Problems that occurred during the elections have not affected the elections procedure significantly or the election results, and it can therefore be assumed that the final results will in fact reflect the will of electors. (03-OCT-06)