

July 5, 2007

By sacrificing his own, he saved life of another person

There has been enough evil and twisted time, so I hope that those who respect my Srdjan will carry kindness and beauty on their backs in order for this country to move towards happiness and love, Srdjan’s father Rade Aleksic (right) said while receiving the principal award of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina . (05-JUL-07)

June 12, 2007

Milan Martic sentenced to 35 years of imprisonment

The Trial Chamber of The Hague Tribunal convicted today, in a first-instance verdict, the former president of the so-called Republic of Serbian Krajina Milan Martic to 35 years of imprisonment for war crimes committed on the territories of Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. (12-JUN-07)

May 28, 2007

Bosnia and Herzegovina: You can fight mobbing

Mobbing is an English word, which is becoming very frequent in our region and means harassment at work. If you know victims of mobbing or have been victims of mobbing yourselves, then you need to know that you certainly can fight against mobbing. Branka Inic (right), lawyer in the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, gave review about legal remedies in cases of mobbing. (28-MAY-07)

May 14, 2007

BH Mission to the UN should not give their vote to Belarus

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina urged through the members of the BH Presidency, to the BiH Mission to the UN not to give their vote to Republic of Belarus and to prevent this country from becoming a member of the top institution for protection of human rights and freedoms, with the arguments, that are based primarily on the fact that Republic of Belarus is probably the country where there is least protection for human rights on the “Old Continent”. (14-MAY-07)

May 11, 2007

Appeal of the HRW, AI and BH HCHR

Amnesty International, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Human Rights Watch, urged today in their letter, sent to the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to take appropriate steps to safeguard the fundamental rights of every person in Bosnia and Herzegovina subject to removal, including those whose citizenship is under review. (11-MAY-07)

May 7, 2007

Agreement between the Council of Ministers of BH and NGO sector

After over four years of efforts of non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina to see established mechanisms of cooperation between the government and the civil society sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Agreement between the Council of Ministers of BH and representative of a coalition of non-governmental organizations “To work and succeed together” was signed today. The non-governmental organizations said on this occasion that “Only the citizens will ultimately “profit” from this act!” (07-MAY-07)

April 12, 2007

Four “Scorpions” found guilty

The War Crimes Chamber of the Belgrade District Court pronounced sentences  for the four accused members of the “Scorpions” unit, who had shot six Bosniak detainees from Srebrenica in July 1995 at Godinjske bare near Trnovo, and acquitted one indictee. (12-APR-07)

March 29, 2007

Srdjan Aleksic posthumously awarded

In line with the Rulebook on Awards, the Steering Board of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina unanimously decided on 26 March 2007 to award posthumously Srdjan Aleksic (right) with the Charter of Helsinki Committee for exceptional contribution to protection of human rights and their promotion. (29-MAR-07)

March 8, 2007

Zero tolerance of violence against women!

Instead of 8 March speeches and carnations, due to the fact that violence against women is our bitter and almost normal everyday practice, the Centre “Woman and Society” urges, in their letter yesterday, the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the public to proclaim: Zero tolerance of violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina! (08-MAR-07)