

January 21, 2009

B&H: World report 2009

The discovery in August 2008 of a mass grave near Kamenica, believed to hold the bodies of up to 100 victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, was a reminder that Bosnia remains marked by the legacy of the 1992-95 war.

January 19, 2009

Mladen Mimic: Courageous B&H human rights defender

Mladen Mimic (on right), human rights defender and president of Association Milicanin, gives an interview for HRH Sarajevo after being heavily physically attacked in March last year for promoting and defending human rights in the Republic of Srpska.

January 19, 2009

Workshop for Women

Psychotherapy for newly operated women from breast cancer

January 19, 2009

Supervision of trainees

of the attended psychotheapy workshops

January 15, 2009

Balkan countries hit hard by gas dispute

The countries of the former Yugoslavia are being hit especially hard by the dispute over gas between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Above all, residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are having to wrap up warm: both countries are running short of gas supplies. Many homes in Sarajevo are still cold and electric heaters have sold out.

January 14, 2009

Prime Minister of the Bosnian Federation asked to resign

With the support of numerous non-governmental organizations in B&H, the Movement “DOSTA!”, requests the resignation of the Bosnian Federation’s Prime Minister Nedzad Brankovic, right, and his government.

January 12, 2009

Workshop for Women

How to deal with psychotrauma after breast cancer surgery

January 9, 2009

First indictment for Koricanske stijene crime

The War Crimes Section of the State Prosecution filed an indictment against eight former policemen from Prijedor for their participation in a crime committed at Koricanske stijene in August 1992. The indictment has been forwarded to the State Court for confirmation.

December 22, 2008

Killer’s memory still haunts Grbavica

‘Batko’ Vlaholic’s name was synonymous with terror in Grbavica in 1992, but years on, he apparently remains a free man. The name Veselin Vlahovic “Batko” continues to inspire fear among those who endured terror in the Sarajevo district of Grbavica during the war years. None of the arrest warrants issued so far have led to his actual arrest.