

March 18, 2009

Regional HR school and Fest

Build bridges, not walls

March 16, 2009

Serbia: Killing of the editor urged to be resolved

International Press Institute and the South East Europe Media Organisation urge the Serbian justice minister to intensify investigation into unsolved 10 year old case of killing of the editor Slavko Curuvija, right.

March 11, 2009

Bosnia’s incomplete transition: Between Dayton and Europe

Fourteen years after the Dayton Peace Agreement, Bosnia´s prospects for European integration remain threatened by ethnic disputes that make it necessary for the international community to retain special powers a little longer.

March 10, 2009

I am a citizen of Bosnia

For Bosnian Serb general Jovan Divjak who defended Sarajevo during the 1992-95 conflict, the only hope for his country today is for young people to vote out the older generation of politicians who continue to exacerbate ethnic divisions.

March 10, 2009

Brunch with Journalists

Blind and visually challenged persons in the media mirror

March 4, 2009

Bosnian Serb leaders threaten to seek independence

Bosnian Serb leaders have threatened to pull out of state institutions and are pressing anew for independence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, threatening to throw the fragile, multiethnic country into political crisis once again.

March 4, 2009

Narcis Flower Day

Action: With narcis flower against breast cancer

March 3, 2009

Algerian group case: Fear of outdating

Srdjan Dizdarevic (on right), president of Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in B&H, commenting seemingly forgotten case of Algerian group and expressing his concern on its possible outdate.

March 1, 2009

Five top Serbs found guilty of war crimes in Kosovo

International judges handed down long prison sentences to five senior political, military and police officials in the government of the former Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic for their roles in the 1999 war in Kosovo. But the court acquitted Milan Milutinovic (on right), the wartime Serbian president, who had the highest rank of the men on trial but who was effectively a figurehead.