

April 7, 2009

Third X-PRESS session

Citizens in the jaws of judiciary

April 6, 2009

New directory of women’s groups launched in B&H

CURE Foundation last week launched an online version of the Directory of Women’s Groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as part of the result of the initiative “Reviving the Women’s Movement in BiH” (RWM). Results of the research on women’s groups in B&H were also presented.

April 4, 2009

Bishop Grigorije brings back the holy inquisition

Nikola Sekulovic, right, president of the Movement for Trebinje, has received a call for church trial of Diocese of Zahumlje, Herzegovina and Primorje, because of “the slander in electronic and print media against church dignitaries, clergy and people”.

April 3, 2009

Renesansa at NGO Fair

With Partnership to Health

March 31, 2009

Human rights situation in Kosovo

Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, today presented his preliminary impressions on the general human rights situation in Kosovo after a four-day visit.

March 30, 2009

ANEM strongly condemns attacks in Serbia

The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) strongly condemns the attacks on the crew from the Belgrade TV station “Studio B” and a RTS cameraman, who were reporting on a 24 March protest organized by right-wing organizations in Belgrade on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the NATO bombardment.

March 30, 2009

Directory of Women’s Groups in B&H

Promotion of the publication

March 26, 2009

LGBTTIQ workshops in Sarajevo high schools

In the beginning of February, the Youth Group of the Helsinki Committee in BiH (OGHKBH) began the implementation of the project “Same rights, different us”. The project aims to educate and inform high school students on the topic of LGBTTIQ population and give the support to LGBTTIQ persons in B&H.

March 23, 2009

Blind and persons with impaired vision in the media

CURE Foundation from Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly from Republic of Srpska organized brunch with journalists last week in HRH Sarajevo, on the topic: “Blind and Persons with Impaired Vision in the Media Mirror”.