

August 24, 2009

Training seminar

Democracy here, there and everywhere

August 18, 2009

Mostar: City without mayor

Due to the inability of two leading political parties to reach agreement, the city of Mostar has been “functioning” without a mayor for nine months now. Local tensions growing out of this situation now threaten to poison relations between leading Bosniak and Croat parties on state level as well.

August 17, 2009

Educational Program

Knowing your rights and herstory, empower and activate yourself!

July 24, 2009

B&H: Women with breast cancer struggle for life

Association Renesansa demands from the authorities of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (F B&H) to eliminate the waiting list for the cure Herceptin, the cure that is essential for the breast cancer therapy, which is in the most regional countries available for all women who suffer from breast cancer, while in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are 87 women on the Herceptin waiting list.

July 24, 2009

Tuzla: Call for signatures

NO to the waiting list for Herceptin

July 24, 2009

2nd part of Education Program

Knowing your rights and herstory, empower and activate yourself!

July 22, 2009

Bosnian Serb cousins convicted by UN tribunal over horrific burnings

The United Nations tribunal set up in the wake of the Balkan conflicts in the 1990s, convicted on July 20th two Bosnian Serb cousins of war crimes, including the burning alive of scores of Muslim women, children and elderly men, an act the court said ranks among “the worst acts of inhumanity that a person may inflict upon others.”

July 16, 2009

European Commission divides South Eastern Europe

V.i.S.d.P. notes with great concern the current visa policy for South Eastern Europe (SEE) of the European Commission, which risks to create two classes of citizens in SEE, based on ethnicity. Their appeal is followed by online-call for signatures supported already by Christian Schwarz-Schilling, MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit, MEP Doris Pack, Bärbel Bohley, MdB Marieluise Beck, Tilman Zülch, Schüler Helfen Leben, Young European Federalists and many others.

July 15, 2009

Draft of the joint report for UPR presented to NGO sector in B&H

Human Rights House of Sarajevo (HRH Sarajevo) held a press conference for journalists and public debate for NGO sector on July 9th, regarding the Draft of the Joint NGO Report for UPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2010.