UN and B&H: Mistrust with reason
Whatever may be the National report of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the up-coming UPR in February 2010, according to the journalist of the magazine “Pogledi”, the UN Human Rights Council will not consider it reliable. And the report of the Ombudsmen in B&H reveals why.
UPR Brochure published by HRH Sarajevo
HRH Sarajevo has published 500 samples of the UPR brochure which contains Bosnian and English version of the Final NGO Report for UPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina, submitted in September 2009.
HRH Sarajevo supports the 2nd Queer Sarajevo Festival
Human Rights House of Sarajevo supports the realization of the second Queer Sarajevo Festival – Festival as Any Other, which opens today and runs until 28 September.
CURE Foundation establishes Women’s Network in B&H
On September 12th, CURE Foundation held a regional conference on the adoption of the platform of Women’s Network of B&H. The conference was visited by more than 30 representatives of women rights organization throughout Balkan region, human rights activists, feminists, B&H media and French ambassador in Sarajevo, Maryse Berniau.
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s human rights NGO sector submits its UPR report
The Human Rights House of Sarajevo, on behalf of the Informal Coalition of Non-governmental Organizations for UPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has submitted its joint NGO Report for UPR to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva. The Report represents the official standpoint of the NGO sector on the implementation of UN human rights standards in B&H.
Youth activism in Bijeljina
Youth Group of Helsinki Committee started the project “The 8 (un)Solvables” which consists of 8 biggest and most frequent problems that youth in Bijeljina (Republic of Srpska) encounter with. The aim of the project was to raise the awareness of the public on youth issues in Bijeljina and send a request to relevant institutions to take certain measures and concrete steps in solving these problems.