B&H NGOs criticize the National UPR Report
The state of Bosnia and Herzegovina has recently released a draft of the National report for the UPR. However, on a public debate which was organized by the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees (MHRR) last week, the country’s NGO sector criticized collectively its content.
The second Race for the Cure in Sarajevo
Race for the Cure was organized in the beginning of October by local partner, Association Renesansa, for the second time in Sarajevo, with specific aim this year to collect means for medical treatment of one woman who is on the waiting list for the cure against breast cancer, Herceptin.
Karadzic’s trial begins without him
The trial of Radovan Karadzic, former Bosnian Serb leader seen as the mastermind of the worst ethnic pogroms in Europe in the post-war era, goes on today without him, since Karadzic, who is representing himself, boycotted the first day of the trial, saying he has not had enough time to prepare.
Status of Serbs in the Canton of Sarajevo
Although the Canton of Sarajevo is ahead of other cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina with regards to the level of achieved realization of human rights and freedoms, according to the latest report of the Serbian Civic Council – Movement for Equality, the situation in the Canton is still not satisfying.
The 4th PitchWise Festival
The fourth PitchWise (PW) – Festival of Women’s Arts was dedicated to feminist networking and activism. In 2009, CURE Foundation brought together artists and activists, who by their steadfast work continuously transform the culture of violence into the culture of peace, whether it is the matter of Bosnia and Herzegovina or the wider region.
Another joint activity of Norway and Western Balkan organizations
“Democracy here, there and everywhere,” a training seminar on democracy in organizational development, took place in Oslo mid-September, for participants from Norway and Western Balkans involved in the regional program of Human Rights Schools for youth in the Western Balkans.