

October 21, 2009

16th Regional HR School

Reconciliation and transitional justice

October 14, 2009

Status of Serbs in the Canton of Sarajevo

Although the Canton of Sarajevo is ahead of other cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina with regards to the level of achieved realization of human rights and freedoms, according to the latest report of the Serbian Civic Council – Movement for Equality, the situation in the Canton is still not satisfying.

October 12, 2009

The 4th PitchWise Festival

The fourth PitchWise (PW) – Festival of Women’s Arts was dedicated to feminist networking and activism. In 2009, CURE Foundation brought together artists and activists, who by their steadfast work continuously transform the culture of violence into the culture of peace, whether it is the matter of Bosnia and Herzegovina or the wider region.

October 8, 2009

Another joint activity of Norway and Western Balkan organizations

“Democracy here, there and everywhere,” a training seminar on democracy in organizational development, took place in Oslo mid-September, for participants from Norway and Western Balkans involved in the regional program of Human Rights Schools for youth in the Western Balkans.

October 8, 2009

9th X-PRESS Session

Children from mixed marriages as marginalized ethnic groups

October 7, 2009

UN and B&H: Mistrust with reason

Whatever may be the National report of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the up-coming UPR in February 2010, according to the journalist of the magazine “Pogledi”, the UN Human Rights Council will not consider it reliable. And the report of the Ombudsmen in B&H reveals why.

October 1, 2009

UPR Brochure published by HRH Sarajevo

HRH Sarajevo has published 500 samples of the UPR brochure which contains Bosnian and English version of the Final NGO Report for UPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina, submitted in September 2009.

September 24, 2009

HRH Sarajevo supports the 2nd Queer Sarajevo Festival

Human Rights House of Sarajevo supports the realization of the second Queer Sarajevo Festival – Festival as Any Other, which opens today and runs until 28 September.

September 15, 2009

CURE Foundation establishes Women’s Network in B&H

On September 12th, CURE Foundation held a regional conference on the adoption of the platform of Women’s Network of B&H. The conference was visited by more than 30 representatives of women rights organization throughout Balkan region, human rights activists, feminists, B&H media and French ambassador in Sarajevo, Maryse Berniau.