Election Observation project: Call for Applications
United Centre of Initiatives for Belarus (JuBIC), Swedish International Liberal Centre (Silc), European Humanities University (EHU) and Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius (HRH) announce a new call for applications to participate in “Election Observation: Theory and Practice“ project in 2010. The first mission for new participants will take place in October in Bosnia and Herzegovina or Latvia.
Election Observation project: Call for Applications
United Centre of Initiatives for Republic of Belarus (JuBIC), Swedish International Liberal Centre (Silc), European Humanities University (EHU) and Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius (HRH) announce a new call for applications to participate in “Election Observation: Theory and Practice“ project in 2010. The first mission for new participants will take place in October in Bosnia and Herzegovina or Latvia.
The ‘inconvenient’ Truth: meltdown in Belarus
Republic of Belarus inaugurated yet another ‘hunting season’ on pro-democracy activists. On 18 and 19 May police and KGB conducted mass searches in Minsk, Hrodna, Brest, Homel, and Mahiloŭ. Civic campaign Tell the Truth!, which in several months had managed to capture country’s attention with its original and offbeat actions, became a target of the authorities. Searches and arrests were also conducted else where and with other organisations.
“Эпоха Барадуліна”. Прэзентацыя новага фільма Віктара Корзуна
Беларускі дом правоў чалавека запрашае на прэзентацыю новага дакументальнага фільма Віктара Корзуна “ЭПОХА БАРАДУЛІНА”.
Belarus: Gay pride march dispersed, participants arrested and fined
Slavic Gay Pride 2010 was forcefully dispersed by police and its participants arrested on 15 May in Minsk. After 2 days in a detention centre gay rights activists received steep fines instead of apologies and moral compensation.
Belarusian HR defenders “chauvinists and paranoiacs,” say Belarusian authorities
Harassment of human rights defenders in the Republic of Belarus has not gone unnoticed by the UN Human Rights Council. A report for 2009, produced by the watchdog’s Special Rapporteur, contains concerns about a ‘very restrictive’ environment in which Belarusian human rights defenders are able to operate. The case of Leanid Svetsik, right, duly covered on this website, is given in-depth attention.
Belarusian NGOs and international community discuss the situation of human rights in Belarus
Representatives of the Belarusian NGOs held a number of events on 12 May in Geneva that were connected with the report of the Belarusian authorities within the guidelines of the procedure of the Universal Periodical Review at the UN Human Rights Council.
New names in the political prisoner list of Belarus
On 6 May Supreme Court sentenced Mikalai Autukhovich to 5 years and 2 months in a maximum security penal colony for illegal possession and transportation of 5 shotgun shells and a hunting rifle. Charges of terrorism against state officials were not substantiated, but this case had already been dubbed as ‘a new political order’ of the authorities
UN will decide on the human rights situation in Belarus
On 3 May in Geneva the UN Council on Human Rights began its session within the framework of the Universal Periodic Review procedure. On 12 May Republic of Belarus will go through this procedure as the UN member-state where the HR situation causes concerns of the international community.