

February 13, 2012

Belarusian authorities against UN considering the complaint on the right to life violation

The relatives of Uladzislau Kavaliou, who was convicted of the death penalty, have sent complaint on the right to life violation to the UN Committee on Human Rights however the Belarusian side considered the complaint invalid as not all national remedies had been used. At the same time it is simply impossible to exhaust all national remedies – the convicted person learns that he was refused a pardon just a few minutes before death.

February 7, 2012

Pressure and threats to life and health – the news of political prisoners

The complaint concerning the case of Andrei Sannikau will be lodged to the UN Committee on Human Rights. Zmitsier Bandarenka was allowed to use his crutch only after writing a petition for clemency. Mikalai Statkevich was found inclined to escape and had to destroy about 700 letters in the prison .

January 29, 2012

Council of Europe concerned over Belarus political prisoner‘s life

Council of Europe member states urge to heighten sanctions against Europe’s last dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenka as opposition leader Andrei Sannikov tells of fears.

January 26, 2012

Bialiatski’s verdict left unchanged: 4,5 years in prison

The verdict of Ales Bialiatski on 4.5 years imprisoned was left unchanged, a court ruling from Minsk City Court stated on the 24th of January.

January 24, 2012

Call for immediate release and rehabilitation of Ales Bialiastki

The condemnation of Ales Bialiatski illustrates how seriously threatened freedom of association and freedom of expression are in Belarus.
Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network call upon Belarusian authorities to immediately release and drop all charges against human rights defender Ales Bialiatski; to fully rehabilitate him and to ensure unhampered activities of human rights and other civil society organizations.

January 22, 2012

Lawyers and attorneys invited to study international human rights law

The “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers (EHREL)” project announces a new call for participants in distance learning program in international human rights law for lawyers from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine,

January 16, 2012

December 19 once again recalled in Vilnius

On 16 January, Belarusian Human Rights House in conjunction with the Human Rights Centre “Viasna” and the civil campaign “Our Home” presented the book, calendar, children’s colouring book, postcards, and a number of video clips dedicated to the participants of 2010 Ploshcha – a peaceful protest that took place in Belarus on 19 December, 2010 against irregularities that occurred during the presidential elections in Belarus.

January 13, 2012

First appeal against forced dactylography in Belarus filed with UN Human Rights Committee

On 10 January another complaint from Belarus was submitted to the UN Human Rights Committee. However, for the first time a Belarusian complains about forced fingerprinting.

January 9, 2012

Конкурс на участие в дистанционном обучении адвокатов/юристов

Объявляется набор для участия в программе дистанционного обучения адвокатов и юристов международному праву прав человека. Отбор участников производится на конкурсной основе.