

January 17, 2013

Belarusians observed the presidential elections in the Czech Republic

The group of short-term international observers visited 182 polling stations across the country. Belarusian observers noted the high level of election’s organization as well as transparent and effective vote counting system.

January 11, 2013

“Gender literacy basics” presented in Vilnius

On January 8 at the Belarusian Human Rights House Belarusian participants and experts of “Development of gender sensitivity in Belarus” project presented “Gender literacy basics” toolkit for adult education of gender sensitivity. The premier show of film “The Dress” was organised during the event as well.

January 5, 2013

Belarusian citizens do not enjoy protection in the national courts and appeal to the UN Committee

The appeal of the student Maya Abromchyk who suffered from riot police misconduct on 19 December 2010 during the dispersal of a peaceful rally on Independence Square in Minsk, was registered in the UN Committee on Human Rights. Meanwhile civic activists from Baranavichy already received a reply to their complaint.

January 3, 2013

Premier screening of “The Dress” documentary and presentation of the “Eliminating Gender Ignorance”

Belarusian Human Rights House is honored to invite you to the premier screening of “The Dress” documentary and presentation of the “Eliminating Gender Ignorance” toolkit for the adult education on gender sensitivity, created by Belarusian experts and participants of the project “Development of gender sensitivity in Belarus.”

December 21, 2012

Human rights defenders released the research on mass arrests after the elections on 19 December 2010

Two years have passed since the presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in Belarus, which were remarkable for mass arrests and detentions of politicians and activists, some of whom are still imprisoned. On this occasion, human rights defenders presented their research, which indicated some details of those trials.

December 16, 2012

Mother of the executed – the human rights defender of the year in Belarus

Representatives of a number of human rights organizations in Belarus on December 10 traditionally determined the best among human rights defenders, journalists and lawyers. Liubou Kavaliova (right), the mother of the executed for Minsk metro bombing was chosen as a Human rights defender of 2012.

December 14, 2012

The imprisonment conditions for Belarusian political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok was toughened.

On 4 December the court decided to send political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok (right) to the closed-type prison. The reason for that was his recognition as a “malicious violator of the imprisonment regime” in the prison, where he served his sentence.

December 3, 2012

Belarusian human rights defenders and lawyers met with the Ombudsman of Ukraine Valeriya Lutkovska

On 29 October Belarusian lawyers and human rights defenders, the participants of the “International Law in Advocacy” program met with Ombudsman of Ukraine Valeriya Lutkovska (right) in Kiev at the the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

November 23, 2012

With its office confiscated, “Viasna” continues working

The office of the Belarusian Human Rights Center “Viasna” is scheduled to be confiscated on 26 November. Members of the organization are determined to continue their work in any circumstances.