

August 24, 2017

Human rights training in action in Belarus

Graduates of a one-year course on international human rights standards had their knowledge and skills thoroughly tested when hundreds of protestors and observers were detained in Belarus this spring.

August 22, 2017

5 trials of Belsat TV journalists this week in Belarus

Belarusian authorities don’t allow Belsat journalists to cover official events, arrest them; moreover, there have recently been increasingly frequent trials and fines.

August 18, 2017

Representatives of the independent REP trade union officially charged

On 2 August 2017 the chairman of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Workers (REP) Henadz Fiadynich and REP chief accountant Ihar Komlik were arrested in Minsk. Henadz Fiadynich is currently under house arrest, and Ihar Komlik is still in custody. On August 10 they were charged.

August 10, 2017

The UN Human Rights Committee registered the first “parasite tax” complaint

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC) took into consideration the complaint of Vladimir Katsora, one of Homel spring protests activists.

August 4, 2017

Belarusian human rights defenders speak against persecution of trade unions

On 3 August 2017, the Belarusian human rights organizations issued a joint statement against the persecution of the leaders of the REP trade union Igor Komlik and Gennadiy Fedynich. The full text of the statement is below.

July 26, 2017

Another 2 death verdicts handed down in Belarus

On 21 July two death verdicts were handed down in relation to 36-year-old Ihar Hershankou and 31-year-old Siamion Berazhnou.

July 12, 2017

The OSCE PA adopted a Resolution on the situation in Eastern Europe criticizing Belarus

Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions (the Third General Committee) of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution on the situation in Eastern Europe on 8 July in Minsk. The resolution contains criticism of the government of Belarus, Russia and Azerbaijan.

July 12, 2017

Конкурс на правядзенне знешняй ацэнкі праекта

To: Sunday, 31. July 2107 Where: Вільня

July 10, 2017

18 thousand people from around the world signed a petition to abolish death penalty in Belarus

18 thousand signatures under the petition to abolish death penalty were handed over to President’s Administration by human rights defenders on 6 July. Signatures, collected in the framework of the global Amnesty International campaign, were brought to Administration by a representative of this organisation Aisha Jung.