

May 31, 2006

Belarus: one more political sentence

The activist of oppositional candidate’s Milinkevich regional headquarters was convicted for 5 months of prison. Sergey Liashkevich’s case is the first court case in Belarus  with the use of so called ’antiterroristic’ amendments, which were moved to Criminal Code  just before elections on the initiative of KGB.(30-MAY-06)

May 24, 2006

World Remembrance Day of AIDS Victims

The 21of May is the World Remembrance Day of AIDS Victims. It is celebrated on every third Sunday of May. In the Republic of Belarus relatives of these people beware to say about the reason of death of their loved ones.  They are worried about society’s reaction. (23-APR-06)

May 16, 2006

Make Free Belarusian Political Prisoners!

The 16th day of every month is a Day of Solidarity in the Republic of Belarus. This time it is planned to hold actions near the embassies and missions of the Russian Federation all over the world. The initiators of the protest believe, the Russian Federation can demand Lukashenka stop repressions against political opponents and the civil society. (16-MAY-06)

May 5, 2006

Belarus Is In The Last Dozen of Countries With Not Free Press.

The world day of freedom of the press is celebrated on the 3rd of May. Independent press is the main part of any democratic state and the institute of authorities’ activity control. The present day, according to «Freedom House» research of the level of freedom of press around the world, Republic of Belarus takes 185th place out of 194 possible. (04-MAY-06)

April 27, 2006

Belarus: Oppositional Leaders Are Arrested After Path of Chernobyl .

The 26th of April 2006 is the 20th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl power plan. 10000 people peaceful protest action of opposition was held in Minsk. Milinkevich and leaders of Belarusian political parties are arrested. (27-APR-06)

April 18, 2006

Department of Ideology Closes “Nasha Niva” Down

Right before the Easter “Nasha Niva” got a letter from Minsk city executive committee. It has it: “the allocation of “Nasha Niva” in Minsk is not appropriate”. The motivation is as follows: “… it has been ascertained … that the 22th of March the editor-in-chief of “Nasha Niva” was put under administrative arrest for 10 days”. (18-APR-06)

April 12, 2006

Belarus: Lukashenka and 30 His Officials Named Non Grata Persons in EU

On the 10th of April the European Union has officially introduced sanctions against the Belarusian president Aliaksandr Lukashenka and 30 high-ranking officials. All of them are non grata persons in the EU countries. (11-APR-06)

April 7, 2006

Supreme Court turned up the complaints against the election results

The Supreme Court refused to consider the complaints of the former candidates to the presidential position of Republic of Belarus Aliaksandr Milinkevich and Aliaksandr Kazulin, in which they asked to bring criminal cases with the aim to find illegitimate the results of the presidential election that was held on 19 March (06-APR-06)

April 4, 2006

Editor´s diary: Ten days in prison

Several journalists have been released in the Republic of Belarus the last days after 8-12 days´ imprisonment. The editor of Nasha Niva, Andrej Dynko has published a diary from his detention in Akrestsina prison. -The worst tricks of Soviet times are back, and the repressive machine has grown much larger. In 1996, the courts fined people for scuffling with police. In 2006, they convict young women to 7 days on a plank bed without mattresses for a bottle with tea, Dynko writes. (4-APR-06)