

September 22, 2006

Belarus: Kidnapping or Attempt to Help?

The search of Belarusian 10-year citizen Vika Moroz continues from September 8. The orphan brought up at the Belarusian residential school is still in Italy. Her Italian ‘adoptive parents’ try to defend the girl out of “violence” in Belarus; Belarusian authorities state about “the kidnapping” (22-SEP-06)

September 18, 2006

Mass Action of Solidarity People in Minsk

During the year every 16th of the month the Days of Solidarity are held in the Republic of Belarus. It is dedicated to the memory of the abducted politicians and journalists and political prisoners of Republic of Belarus. This time the big mass action took place in Minsk with the speechification of the abducted persons’ relatives, oppositional Belarusian politicians, civil activists and musicians, prohibited by authorities. More then 5000 people came there to express their civil position. (18-SEP-06)

September 11, 2006

Belarus: Award to Journalists’ Professionalism and Courage.

On the 11th of September 2006 three journalists of Belarusian independent editions have got Dzmitry Zavadsky Award. This is a prize to their professionalism and courage, because only courage people can give objective information, knowing that they can be beaten or arrested in any moment. Here are these heroes’ names- Aleg Ulevich, Andrei Dinko and Yulia Darashkevich.(11-SEP-06)

September 5, 2006

Belarus: Is Election Observation Equated to War Propaganda?

On the 4th of August 2006 Belarusian court has delivered a judgement in the case of “Partnership” NGO – from 6 months to 2 years of prison for the activity in the name of unregistered organization. Evidently Belarusian authorities consider elections observation as dangerous for the society as war propaganda or social, national, religious and racial hostility.
 Two of four convicted young people are free now. They held a press conference today.(05-SEP-06)

July 14, 2006

Belarus: Ex-candidate for the presidency is convicted for 5,5 years of prison.

Belarusian democratic society is indignant with the courts’ decision to punish Aliaksandr Kazulin, the former candidate for presidency, with 5,5 years of prison. He was convicted of hooliganism and incitement to mass disorder during March 2006 events. HRC “Viasna” considers the conviction of one of alternative candidates a politically-motivated decision and expresses vigorous protest against this judgement.(14-JUL-06)

July 5, 2006

Sad anniversary in Belarus

APPEAL of the Belarusian Association of Journalists dated for the 6 anniversary of the disappearance of Dzmitry Zavadski,cameraman for the Russian TV channel ORT with demands to Belarusian authorities to start the investigation again. (05-JUL-06)

June 23, 2006

Belarus may lose its trade concessions with EU.

EU Council experts’ working group can make a decision about stoppage of General Preferences System concerning Republic of Belarus in September 2006. The reason is not carrying-out of ILO requirements. This can lead Republic of Belarus to not only a waste of millions of dollars but to more dependence from the Russian Federation.  (23-JUN-06)

June 6, 2006

40 on hunger strike protesting political repression

The mass hunger strike lasts for already 9 days in the Republic of Belarus. 40 young people demand to stop criminal proceeding of activists of “Young Front” organization and political arrests of oppositionists. (06-JUN-06)

June 2, 2006

Andrei Dynko will discuss Belarusian media in Moscow

Between 4 and 7 June, the World Editor Forum will take place in Moscow, the Russian Federation, organised by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN). More than 1,500 publishers, chief editors, managing directors, and senior newspaper executives from 90 countries are expected at the event which is one of the major meetings of the world press. Andrej Dynko, editor-in-chief of the Belarusian Nasha Niva, will give a lecture on the state of the Belarusian media landscape and the difficulties of independent journalism in the Republic of Belarus. Read his lecture here. (02-JUN-06)