

April 23, 2007

Appeal against the Belarusian membership in UN Human Rights Council

Belarusian authorities intend to get the UN HR Council membership this year. Belarusian human rights defenders urge  the international community to refuse from including representatives of Republic of Belarus to the UN Human Rights Council till the Belarusian government demonstrates real respect to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.(20-APR-07)

April 11, 2007

Belarus: Risks 5 years for internet publication

On the 3 April public activist, former member of the Parliament Andrei Klimau was arrested in Minsk. He is charged with appealing via the mass media to overthrow or forcibly change the constitutional regime. This is the first time in the modern Belarusian history that statements allegedly made in an Internet publication are used by prosecutors, and an indication of how the law can be used to infringe on the freedom of expression. (11-APR-07)

March 28, 2007

Freedom Day in Belarus

25 March is the Freedom Day for the democratic part of Belarusian society. This year more then 10000 people went into the Minsk streets for the peaceful demonstration. About 100 of them were detained before and during the action. The most horrified thing was that for the first time since Soviet time Republic of Belarus has met the case of punitive psychotherapy. (27-MAR-07)

March 23, 2007

International Campaign on UN HR Special Procedures

UN Human Rights Council continues to discuss changes in Special Procedure institution’s activities. The possible result of this review could be the liquidation or limitation of Special procedure institution’s abilities. The Belarusian authorities are among those who propose special measures to weaken the Special Procedures by limiting their independence. 17 international human rights NGOs start a campaign to support Special procedures. (21-MAR-07)

March 13, 2007

New Wave of Youth Intimidation Starts in Belarus

Activists of an unregistered organization Young Front are again summonsed to interrogations. On 4 February the police detained 27 activists of the Young Front. At the present moment 4 persons, Zmitser Khvedaruk, Aleh Korban, Anastasiia Palazhanka and Aliaksei Ianusheuski, have got the status of suspects in the criminal case brought under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code of Republic of Belarus, activity on behalf of unregistered organization. (13-MAR-07)

February 15, 2007

Belarusian Orphan Vika Maroz Became Topic of Open Debate in Italy

The story of Vika Maroz was followed by repercussions throughout Republic of Belarus, Italy and the whole world. There have been debates on Vika’s disappearance and the adoption of Belarusian children by foreign parents. Belarusian authorities placed the girl to the temporary foster family and prefer not to discuss this subject. Italian authorities have organized an open debate about it. (15-FEB-07)

February 6, 2007

New wave of political repression in Belarus

On 4 February 25 youth activists were detained in Minsk by police. Two of them Aleh Korban and Dzmitry Fedaryk are suspected of the organization or participation in activity of unregistered public organization. In accordance with this article they could be sentenced to imprisonment for the term up to two years. Human rights defenders consider these arrests as the beginning of a new wave of political repressions against activists of the civil society in the Republic of Belarus. (06-FEB-07)

January 25, 2007

Belarusian Helsinki Committee evicted from its offices

The administrative service of the President of Republic of Belarus has notified the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), an affiliate of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, of the termination of the Committee´s office rental contract, and has ordered the Committee to vacate its office. Right, BHC´s Executive Director Oleg Hulak and Lawyer and Vice President Harry Pogonjalo. (25-JAN-07)

December 12, 2006

Amnesty International campaign for prisoner of conscience Kazulin

Yesterday, Alyaksandr Kazulin, leader of the Belarusian Socialist Democratic Party, former presidential candidate, and former rector of the Belarusian State University, who has been in prison since June 2006, ended the 53-day hunger strike he began on October 20. The hunger strike was an act of protest against Alyaksandr Lukashenka´s tenure in power and a demand that the UN Security Council consider the Belarusian problem. (12-DEC-06)