Belarusian youth activists deprived of right to education
Last year numerous youth activists were crossed out from the list of students. This practice still continues. Human rights activists believe that the isolation of an active student and political activist Zmitser Zhaleznichenka by deprival of the right to education and forced recruitment to army demonstrate the real attitude of the authorities to public activists. (9-FEB-08)
Belarusian human rights activists speak out against capital punishment
6 February Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, condemned the recent executions in the Republic of Belarus. Earlier, Rene van der Linden, Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, had also called upon the President of Republic of Belarus to abolish the death penalty. Three leaders of Homel criminal gang – Valery Harbaty, Ihar Danchanka and Siarhei Marozau – were recently executed by shooting. Right, Ales Bialiatski, Vice Chairman of the International Federation of Human Rights. (8-FEB-08)
Foreign travel restrictions as a means of blackmailing politicians and activists
Three leaders of Homel criminal gang – Valery Harbaty, Ihar Danchanka and Siarhei Marozau – have been executed by shooting lately. On 6 February the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis condemned the new facts of death punishment in Republic of Belarus. Earlier the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene van der Linden also called the president of Republic of Belarus to abolish the death sentences to the criminals. (8-FEB-08)
Belarusian activists campaign against torture in prisons
Democratic forces in the Republic of Belarus have started a campaign demanding decent serving conditions in the detention center in Akrestsina Street in Minsk. This institution is well-known in the Republic of Belarus as the jail where participants of civic actions, youth activists and political opponents of the regime serve short-term arrests. The present conditions of incarceration, mainly of political prisoners, are more like torture, according to Valiantsin Stefanovich, right, a Belarusian human rights lawyer, working for Viasna. (29-JAN-08)
Imprisonment for journalist reprinting caricatures of Prophet Mohammed
Minsk city court announced its verdict on the case against Alexander Zdzvizhkou, former deputy editor-in-chief of Zhoda newspaper. He was found guilty of violation of article 130 part 2 of the Criminal Code “inciting religious enmity” for reprinting caricatures of Prophet Mohammed. Zdzvizhkou was sentenced to three years´ of imprisonment in a medium security prison. (18-JAN-08)
Entrepreneurs continue to fight for their rights
On January 10th individual entrepreneurs held a mass protest action in Minsk. The action was carried out within the framework of the nation-wide strike of January 1-15. Protest rallies were also held in Mahiliou, Barysau and other cities. Entrepreneurs protest against some regulations of president’s edict # 760. According to the edict, since January 1st entrepreneurs are not allowed to hire employees except for their family members. (11-JAN-08)
Independent Belarusian Web-sites blocked
A number of Internet-sites that deal with the active coverage of social and political events in the Republic of Belarus were fully or partially blocked. from the morning of January 10. The visitors couldn´t enter some of them. A number of Web-sites were opening too slowly. Most probably, the break was reasoned by the protest action, arranged by individual enterpreneurs (10-JAN-08).
UN condemned Belarus for human rights violations
On November 21 the Third UN Committee adopted the resolution on Human Rights situation in the Republic of Belarus. The document was introduced by USA in co-authorship with Australia, EU, Israel, Canada, Switzerland and Japan. The resolution expresses ‘deep concern’ with the systematic HR violations in the Republic of Belarus and ‘further erosion of the democratic processes’. (22-NOV-07)
Belarusian political prisoner in terrible conditions
Belarusian human right defenders express deep concern about the destiny of the political prisoner Andrey Klimau. They appeal to everyone to support Mr. Klimau as he is kept in very bad conditions in the prison. On August 1 he was convicted for 2 years of prison for the publications in the Internet. (21-NOV-07)