

June 27, 2008

New law on mass media approved by parliament

The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) expresses its protest in relation to the adoption of a new Law «On Mass Media» after the 2nd reading by the Chamber of Representatives at the National Assembly of Republic of Belarus on 25 June. The Bill will considerably limit the rights of independent mass media and for the websites, which for the first time will be covered by a media law in the Republic of Belarus (25-JUN-08).

June 15, 2008

Draft bill on mass media worries BAJ

Wednesday 11 June the Belarusian Association of Journalists finally received the draft bill on mass media. BAJ is dissatisfied with numerous elements including re-registration of journalists and the regulation of publications of the Internet. The authorities want to get the bill passed by Parliament as soon as possible, but BAJ reminds them to their promise to discuss it with civil society and European experts. (15-JUNE-08)

June 5, 2008

HRHF expresses regret over imprisonment of human rights defender

The Human Rights House Foundation has sent a letter today to the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Republic of Belarus, expressing regret over the decision of the Vitebsk Court on 27 May to sentence Paval Liavinau, member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), to 10 days´ administrative imprisonment and a fine of 700.000 rubles (328 USD). Read the full letter below. (05-JUNE-08)

June 2, 2008

HRH F expresses concern over harassment of human rights defender

In a statement sent today to President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, the Prosecutor´s Office of Vitebsk, the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Human Rights House Foundation expresses its concern with the recent harassment of the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik, right. Read the full statement below. (02-JUNE-08)

June 1, 2008

Criminal punishment for activities of unregistered NGOs must end

On May 29-30, the conference “Article 193-1: Posture and ways to overcome consequences” took place in the Belarusian HR House in Vilnius, Lithuania. The meeting organized by the Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs of Republic of Belarus dealt with the problem of criminal responsibility for activity of unregistered non-governmental organizations. (01-JUNE-08)

May 16, 2008

Solidarity action with prisoners of conscience in Belarus

Every 16th day of the month, the Solidarity Day action takes place in the Republic of Belarus.  This action is ’dedicated’ to the prisoners of conscience and missing politicians in the Republic of Belarus. People light candles in their windows to demonstrate their solidarity or go out on the streets to remind Belarusians about the problem of political prisoners. (16-MAY-08)

May 15, 2008

Belarusian Helsinki Committee offers authorities cooperation

On 11 May, the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC) held its annual convention. Lawyer Aleh Hulak was elected the new chairperson of the organization. “The BHC is ready to assist governmental agencies, organizations and officials in democratization and the protection of human rights.”  It is also going to monitor upcoming parliamentary elections. (15-MAY-08)

May 8, 2008

Nine years since disappearance of former Interior Minister Yury Zakharanka

Today, it is nine years since the disappearance of Yury Zakharanka, right, a former interior minister turned opposition politician. In April, the Prosecutor General´s Office extended its years-long investigation into the 1999 disappearance by another three months. (08-MAY-08)

April 24, 2008

Two fined, nine imprisoned after January demonstrations

On April 22, ten young activists detained during the entrepreneurs’ demonstration in Minsk 10 January received their sentences, varying from fines of 1100 Euro to 1.5 years´ imprisonment. Yesterday, Siarhei Parsiukevich, right, one of the entrepreneurs´ leaders, was given 2.5 years behind bars. (24-APR-08)