

October 8, 2008

Human rights defenders comment on election results

Belarusian human rights defenders presented their conclusions on the 2008 parliamentary elections in the Republic of Belarus to the Lithuanian media during a press conference organized by the HRH Vilnius on 3 October 2008.

October 1, 2008

Belarusian Elections Fall Foul of International Standards

On 28 September 2008 Belarusians elected members of the House of Representatives. These elections were internationally expected to bring further positive changes on the country´s political arena, but unfortunately the elections fell short of OSCE’s standards. National observers stated numerous violations of international standards. However EU still wants a dialogue with official Minsk (01-OCT-08).  

September 20, 2008

Can human rights newsletters be classified as ‘extremist material’?

18 September, a preliminary meeting of the litigants on the case initiated by Hrodna Regional Department of KGB, asking the court to classify a newspaper, some books, human rights newsletters and music CDs as «extremist materials» took place at the District Court of Hrodna (Western Belarus). Human Rights activists are concerned about the troubling precedent such a clasification might have, if articles of the ´Law on Counteraction of Extremism´ could be used against dissidents. (20-SEP-08)

August 21, 2008

No more political prisoners in Belarus

he last remaining political prisoners; Aleksandr Kazulin, former presidential candidate, Andrei Kim, young activist, and Sergei Parsjukevich, the entrepreneur, have been released by A. Lukashenka’s order. Most oppositional politicians and human rights activists considered it has been done due to the EU and USA pressure to the regime. Belarusian officials did not make any statements.  (21-AUG-08)

August 8, 2008

New Media Law Signed by Lukashenko

Aliaksandr Lukashenko has signed the new, highly restrictive media law. This was made public by the Presid­ential Press Service. The law will, among other things, lead to similar restrictions for websites as for regular media.  Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) has applied several times to MPs with requests to send the document for international legal expertise. (05-AUG-08)

July 7, 2008

Journalist Dzmitry Zavadski Disappeared 8 Years Ago

Relatives and friends of Dzmitry Zavadski, a Belarusian TV journalists and a member of BAJ, who disappeared 8 years, are still in the dark about his fate. The criminal case has been closed and restarted many times but no information is available. The actions his family members or civil activists try to organize in memory of Zavadski have been banned by the authorities. (07-JUL-08)

July 3, 2008

International society condemns Belarusian Media Law

On 28 June, the Belarusian Parliament passed a new law that, according to OSCE´s Representative on Freedom of the Media, the Belarusian Association of Journalists and Reporters without Borders, puts further restrictions on Belarusian media, including Internet based media. Representatives of the European Democratic institutions and International Organizations condemn the Belarusian media law and call on the authorities to change it in accordance to the European standards. (03-JUL-08)

July 3, 2008

Authorities pressure human rights activists before parliamentary elections

After human rights activists told about their intention to monitor the upcoming Parliamentary elections, state-controlled media try to discredit their human rights activities and the authorities have started detailed examinations of the tax history of human rights activists. (30-JUN-08)

June 27, 2008

New law on mass media approved by parliament

The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) expresses its protest in relation to the adoption of a new Law «On Mass Media» after the 2nd reading by the Chamber of Representatives at the National Assembly of Republic of Belarus on 25 June. The Bill will considerably limit the rights of independent mass media and for the websites, which for the first time will be covered by a media law in the Republic of Belarus (25-JUN-08).