

February 20, 2009

Use of force against demonstrators condemned

On 14 February the opposition youth movement Young Front organised its traditional St. Valentine’s rally. This year, hundreds of activists from Belarus’s Young Front movement and other youth organizations gathered on Minsk’s Yakub Kolas Square on Saturday afternoon. Despite the fact that the gathering was peaceful, the police and Special Forces from the Ministry of the […]

February 19, 2009

Former political prisoners face up to 12 years in jail

Even before the detainees heard official charges President Aliaksandr Lukashenka a priori linked them with terrorist activities and urged for “the harshest penalty possible.”

February 15, 2009

Brutal crackdown on the Rally of Love in Minsk

“It was the cruellest crackdown in the 13 year history of St. Valentine’s Day rallies. They were beating up even girls,” says Zmitser Dashkevich, a leader of the opposition youth organisation Young Front.

February 15, 2009

No thaw without “Nasha Viasna” registration

Belarusian human rights defenders have their own test of the regime readiness to provide democratic reforms and maintain dialogue with the West.

February 6, 2009

Opposition tortured in Belarus

Belarusian law enforcement agencies decided to celebrate the International Day Against Torture in their own, unique style. Detained a day earlier, on 3 February, opposition activists from Homiel were forced to strip naked during a search.

January 27, 2009

Belarus: human rights NGO calls on the government to abide by commitments

On 26 January 2009, the human rights centre Viasna, which has been trying to regain its official registration since 2004, issued a statement calling upon the Belarusian authorities to abide by their international commitments and allow the registration of this human rights NGO.

January 27, 2009

Government needs to abide by commitments

Statement on Nasha Viasna registration On 26 January 2009 the Nasha Viasna human rights organization applied for registration to the Ministry of Justice of Belarus. The decision by the Supreme Court of Belarus on 28 January 2003 to liquidate the human rights center Viasna was an outrage against the freedom of association, guaranteed by the […]

January 21, 2009

European Parliament Resolution: Belarus needs more democratization

On 15 January the EU Parliament adopted a preliminary resolution on Republic of Belarus. MEPs acknowledge positive changes with democracy in the Republic of Belarus, but they are insufficient.

January 17, 2009

Freedom of speech ’09: bleak forecasts for Belarus

Lawyers of the Belarusian Association of Journalists do not hope for improvements in the area of freedom of expression this year.