

April 10, 2009

Selection for the Election Observation Mission

When: Monday, 20. April 2009 To: Monday, 20. April 2009 Host: JuBIC, SILC, EHU, HRH             United Centre of Initiatives for Belarus (JuBIC), Swedish International Liberal Centre (SILC), European Humanities University (EHU) and Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius (BHRHV) announce a selection for candidates to participate in the election […]

April 9, 2009

HRHF and NHC concerned over repeated harrasment of HR defender Svetsik

The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) sent a letter of concern to the Belarusian authorities today urging them to investigate the charges brought against human rights defender Leanid Svetsik from Viciebsk.

April 9, 2009

HRHF and NHC concerned over repeated harrasment of HR defender Svetsik

KGB 220050, MinskProspekt Nesavisimosti 17Tel +375 17-2199299e-mail: Copy to: Prosecutor’s Office of VitebskVitebsk region210601, ul Zestkova, 14а, Vitebsk, Теl./Fax:+375 212 47-73-27+375 212 47-64-44 The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of BelarusMr Vasilevich G.A.220050 Internacionalnaja 22, MinskTel. +375 17 2264360 +375 17 2264358 The Ministry of Internal AffairsMr Naumov V.V.220050 Ul. Gorodskoj Val, 2Fax […]

April 7, 2009

Belarusian HR defenders receive training on international standards

For citizens of Republic of Belarus, a country that is neither an EU member nor represented in the Council of Europe, referring to the UN Human Rights Council is the only way to prove their point of view on the international level. Late March, a group of Belarusian human rights defenders went to Geneva to learn how to do just that.

April 3, 2009

Legal protests in Belarusian provinces: mission impossible

Organizing legal mass gatherings in some Belarusian cities is a nearly impossible challenge. In Hrodna local authorities for dubious reasons refused mass rallies on the Freedom Day, 25 March, and labour union marches. In Baranavičy activists’ attempts to defend the right for assembly get smashed under an avalanche of unconstitutional decrees by the authorities.

March 31, 2009

Internet Crusade after “Chinese model” urged

The Belarusian Orthodox Church leader called on the state to use the Chinese experience in order to regulate all internet activities. Taking under control the internet which is the last freedom of speech’s bastion in the Republic of Belarus has been an ambition of the state officials for a long while. The church can become a good ally for achieving this goal, experts think.

March 25, 2009

“Freedom Day”: activists intimidated, fined and imprisoned

Around 3000 demonstrators in the capital of Republic of Belarus avoided clashes with security forces during the opposition’s traditional holiday. Yet, it was not the triumph of the freedom of assembly and expression. Behind the curtain, the authorities stuck to usual intimidation and pressure tactics.

March 22, 2009

Newspapers: advisable and unadvisable

Official institutions of Republic of Belarus hold on to their selective understanding of freedom of speech. Independent newspapers face discrimination throughout Republic of Belarus, the last week bringing new facts from Hlybokaje and Babrujsk. As well as Slonim, where the authorities force common people to pay for the official local print, should or should they not want to read it.

March 19, 2009

Belarus but not prosecutors shocked by HR defender’s suicide (updated)

The activist from Salihorsk Yana Paliakova committed suicide after an unexpectedly tough court sentence and a humiliating libel in official press. The prosecutor’s office found no reason to initiate poroceedings.