

May 13, 2009

Political prisoner dying in Belarusian prison

The state of health of political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich worsened sharply and comes close to critical. The prisoner who went on hunger-strike has been joined by 29 democratic activists.

May 11, 2009

Allowed to men but not to women?

In spite of formal gender equality, considering women’s equal political rights is something a long way away for the Belarusian leadership. A round table discussion in HRH-Vilnius brings interesting facts about gender relations and attempts of power succession from father to son in the Republic of Belarus.

May 5, 2009

Літва і Беларусь: палітыкі нармалізацыі. Адкрытая дыскусія

У межах адкрытай дыскусіі выступяць маладыя акадэмікі і актывісты з Літвы (Дайва Рапечкайце, Ніда Васіляускайце, Кароліс Клімка) і Беларусі (Яўгенія Іванова, Аляксей Крывалап, Алена Мінчэня, Зміцер Герыловіч), якія паспрабуюць асэнсаваць парадоксы беларускай улады, правілы (дзяржаўнага) клопату ў Беларусі, эфекты “натуральнай” канцэпцыі літоўскай сям’і, паняцце “правільнага” грамадзянства ў Літве.

May 3, 2009

KGB warning journalist against “discrediting Belarus”

Ivan Roman, right, was detained by KGB officers for his article covering the economic crisis in the Republic of Belarus. He must write something positive about the authorities, they warned. Otherwise he was threatened with a criminal case.

April 29, 2009

Belarus: truth about Chernobyl unwanted

The country that suffered the most from the worst atomic catastrophe in 20th century plans to build its own nuclear power plant. Protesters against murky government plans are forcefully silenced.

April 24, 2009

Supreme Court turns down claim by “Nasha Viasna”

“If the state is not ready, does not want or cannot register human rights NGOs, it will be a problem for the state itself,” – commented a well-known Belarusian human rights defender Valiantsin Stefanovich.

April 20, 2009

Political prisoners still a Belarusian reality

Artsiom Dubski, a youth activist, was recently released from jail. However, private entrepreneurs leaders from Vaŭkavysk still remain imprisoned. One of them, Mikhail Autukhovich, went on a hunger strike.

April 14, 2009

Belarus opposing UN HR Committee on “Viasna” registration

The country is not going to comply with the obligation to re-register the well-known HR organization. The Foreign Ministry of Republic of Belarus does not consider the UN Committee’s decision legally binding.

April 13, 2009

HR defenders to develop Belarusian anti-repression legislation

The Political Repression Victims Rehabilitation Law will be useful for Republic of Belarus not only after a political regime change. The participants of a round table discussion, which took place in the Human Rights House in Vilnius on 10-11 April, believe that such a document even nowadays could improve the HR situation in the country.