PACE: Right to life for every Belarusian should be guaranteed
The Belarusian parliament will remain stigmatised by Europe unless the death penalty is abolished. On 23 June the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution to lift the suspension of Special Guest status for the Parliament of Republic of Belarus with a condition that is directly related to one of the fundamental human rights – the right to life.
New charges against political prisoner
Mikalai Autokhovich, who is considered a political prisoner by human rights defenders, is suspected in one more crime according to Article 295.3 of the Belarusian Criminal Code. He is incriminated illegal activities with weapons and ammunition.
Distance learning for human rights lawyers
From September on about 25-30 lawyers from four post-soviet countries will be enrolled into a year long course Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers. They will learn to apply human rights concepts in their daily practice without leaving their homes.
Religion is the opiate of the people?
The administrative committee of the Horki municipality (Mahilou region, East Belarus) quantified damages caused by Bible and the Universal Human Rights Declaration. Piatro Malanachkin, a local protestant, was fined for distributing religious and human rights literature and other printed materials.
Regional workshop for International Law and Advocacy project
On 17-18 June 2009 the Human Rights House will become a venue for a regional meeting and workshop within the framework of the International Law in Advocacy. Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers Project. The project is implemented by the Human Rights House Network in cooperation with partner organizations in different countries.
Non-registration as an instrument of punishment
Belarusian authorities continue to abuse human rights and are not willing to stop this despicable practice. Local human rights defenders are calling those out and express their strong objections. Besides protecting the rights of ordinary citizens, activists are also forced to defend their own.
Belarusian human rights defender on trial
A court hearing concerning the case of a human rights defender Leanid Svetsik will begin in the Viciebsk regional court on 10 June.
Belarusian President: “Human rights is only a twaddle”
Aliaksandr Lukashenka formulated his own concepts of democracy and human rights.
Семінар “EP Elections 2009: Local Media – Europe Wide”
3 чэрвеня 2009 года адбудзецца шостае паседжанне Віленскага Медыя Семінару, якое будзе прысвечана ролі новых медыяў ў выбарчай кампаніі ў Еўрапейскі парламент: «Local Media – Europe Wide» .