Azerbaijan: Massive violations in municipality elections, says EMC
Today municiplaity elections are held in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Baku-based Election Monitoring Centre (EMC) works in the direction of the development of the election system, improvement of the election legislation, organization of monitoring in the election process, creation of the democratic election environment. Today, the EMC conducts monitoring process on municipality elections via corps of domestic observers consists of NGO members and volunteers in 38 district election commisiions (DEC) of Republic of Azerbaijan Republic. (17-DEC-2004)
Azerbaijan: IPD concerned over situation with municipality elections
“The situation concerning the nearing municipality elections due on 17 December in the Republic of Azerbaijan is miserable”, says Leyla Yunus, director of the non-governmentInstitute of Peace and Democracy (IPD). Mass arrest actions follow every elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan and according to IPC the municipal election in 2004 are not an exception.( (15-DEC-2004).
Azerbaijan: Opposition boycotts nearing municipal elections
Municipal elections will be held in the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 17, 2004. According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), 21650 members to 2735 municipalities will be elected during the polls. At present, there are a total of 4,462,000 electorates in the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the elections, 38,866 candidates will run for municipal seats. (10-DEC-2004)
Azerbaijan: OMCT, AFHRO issue joint alternative report to UN
The World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and
Azerbaijan Federation of Human Rights Organizations (AFHRO) express their concerns regarding violence against women in the Republic of Azerbaijan at the 33rd session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights(CESCR). (10-DEC-2004)
Anti-torture Committee Publishes Report on Azerbaijan
The Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) has today published its first report on Republic of Azerbaijan, together with the Government’s responses. The report concerns the CPT’s periodic visit to Republic of Azerbaijan in November/December 2002.In the report, the CPT concludes that people detained by the police in the Republic of Azerbaijan run a significant risk of being ill-treated. The Committee recommends that a high priority be given to professional training for police officers and that the legal safeguards against ill-treatment (such as notification of custody, access to a lawyer and access to a doctor) be applied as from the very outset of deprivation of liberty. (09- Dec-2004)
TURAN AGENCY: On the 18th of November the Court of appeal considering the case of 7 opposition leaders, accused for participation in 15-16 October events, concluded the work. However, the entire prognosis failed again when the court left the sentence of 7 opposition leaders in force.(21-NOV-04)
Azerbaijan: RSF concerned on closure of opposition’s daily Musavat
(RSF/IFEX) – Reporters sans frontieres (RSF) has condemned the Azerbaijani authorities´ freezing of the assets of “Yeni Musavat”, the country´s main opposition daily, on 16 November 2004. The move has forced the paper to cease publishing. The decision was taken on the grounds that the newspaper failed to pay fines and damages totalling some 125,000 euros. (18 NOV 2004)
Azerbaijan: Leading opposition newspaper stopped
Issue of one of the leading opposition newspapers of Republic of Azerbaijan “Yeni Musavat” will stop on November 16. According to the Acting Editor of the newspaper Gabil Abbasoglu, the reason – are financial problems. Serious financial hardships of “Yeni Musavat” began in the end of 2003 after executing of court sanctions. In particular, the bank accounts of the newspaper had been arrested and income from selling was spent on paying out debts. Over 2000-2003 the courts fined “Yeni Musavat” with $160,000. (15 NOV 2004)
Azerbaijan: ARTICLE 19 criticises law on Public Broadcasting
ARTICLE 19, the London-based Global Campaign for Freedom of Expression, calls upon the Azerbaijani authorities to ensure that its implementation of the Law on Public broadcasing adopted November 5 2004 is “in line with both global standards and Azerbaijan´s international obligations” including accessibility to all citizens, diversity of programmes and themes, as well as editorial and operational independence. (15 NOV 2004)