

June 22, 2005

Azerbaijan: OSCE to deploy over 500 Observers in parliamentary elections

OSCE ODIHR has released the report on the findings of the Needs Assessment Mission (NAM). The mission visited Republic of Azerbaijan from June 5 to 10 with the purpose to assess problems, which need urgent solution, to strengthen public confidence in elections and fulfillment of obligations by Republic of Azerbaijan to OSCE. The NAM held meetings in Baku with representatives of the authorities, election administration, political parties, civil society, media and international community.(22-Jun-2005)

May 22, 2005

Azerbaijan: Standoff shadows pre-election situation

Tensions between the authorities and the opposition have been heating up ahead of the parliamentary elections due 6 November in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In a statement in April the Council of Europe said the approaching elections would be a fork in the road where “we may become witnesses either to fair and free elections or a bloody confrontation between thousands in the Republic of Azerbaijan.”  (23-MAY-2005)

May 22, 2005

Azerbaijan: HRH, NHC and SHC worried on detentions

The Human Rights House Foundation (HRH), Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) and  Swedish Helsinki Committee (SHC) have joinly sent an open letter to the Azeri President  I. Aliyev concerning the recent detention of opposition activists. HRH, NHC and SHC called for the Azerbaijani Government to immediately intervene to create an environment for civil society to act freely and without intimidation all over Republic of Azerbaijan. (20-MAY-2005)

May 12, 2005

Azerbaijan: Lack of registration hinders NGOs’ activities

According to official statistics, 2935 local non-governmental organizations operate in the Republic of Azerbaijan . The Ministry of Justice, the top body on granting registration, has registered only 1769 of them, while the rest 962 NGOs exist without registration. A report compiled by the OSCE office in Baku says that the registration of non-governmental organisations in Republic of Azerbaijan continues to be problematic.  (12-MAY-2005)

May 4, 2005

Azerbaijan: Media situation worsened in 2004, RSF says

In the World Press Freedom Day the famous international organisation for support of freedom of Media Reporters Sans Frontiers (RSF) released its report about the situation with media in the World in 2004.  In the chapter devoted to Republic of Azerbaijan it is noted that the situation in the country worsened for pro-opposition journalists since the 2003 presidential elections. (4-MAY-2005)

April 30, 2005

The Observatory: Azerbaijani activists threatened

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), would like to express its deep concern over new threats against several human rights defenders in the Republic of Azerbaijan.  (1-MAY-2005)

April 30, 2005

Freedom House: Media not free in Azerbaijan

 Freedom House published its annual report on media situation in the world  for 2004. The report,  Freedom of the Press: A Global Survey of Media Independence provides numerical rankings and rates each country’s media as “Free,” “Partly Free,” or “Not Free.”  Azerbaijan was indicated at 158th place with a status of “not free media”. In 2004, due to the absence of an independent judiciary as well as significant financial pressures, the Azerbaijani press remained dependent on the government and the oligarchs. (30-APR-2005)

April 28, 2005

Azerbaijan: “Pre-election mood unbearable” activists alarm

A number of Azerbaijani human rights activists have met with the Norwegian parliamentarian Trond Giske (photo), the second Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Family, Cultural Affairs and Government Administration at the Norwegian Parliament.
 “We have updated Mr. Giske about the current problems of democratization, the deteriorating situation with human rights, the pressure on independent media on the eve of the forthcoming parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan”, said Fuad Hasanov, director of the “Against Violence” Human Rights Center (AVHRC). (29-APR-2005)

April 27, 2005

Azerbaijan: PACE deeply concerned over pre-election climate

“Independent journalists continue to be harassed and after the murder of one of the most prominent critical journalists Elmar Huseinov also fear for their lives. Six months before holding of the parliamentary elections, some of the basic pre-conditions for holding free and fair elections – freedom of expression and the right to hold peaceful meetings – are not met”,  reads a statement of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) expressing concerns over the situation with the nearing parliamentary elections due November 6, 2005 in the Republic of Azerbaijan.  (28-APR-2005)