

October 12, 2005

Azeri NGOs appeal to the international community

On behalf of the emerging Human Rights House in Baku, the nine Azeri NGOs have sent a protest letter where they appeal to the international community to raise their voices in defense of human rights respect and freedom of assembly, press and speech in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (11-OCT-05)

October 10, 2005

10 journalists injured by police in Baku

Tens of activists were arrested and heavily beaten by police Sunday 9th of October. According to TURAN 10 journalists when among the injured. The Norwegian Ambassador Steinar Gil, said to the News Agency AP that the police exaggerated their reaction. (10-OCT-05) 

October 3, 2005

– Important support, says emerging Human Rights House in Baku

Nine Azeri human rights NGOs work to set up a Human Rights House in the capital Baku to strengthen human rights work. The nine said it was very important for them that the annual meeting of the Human Rights House Network 7-10 September was held in Baku, in the run-up to the elections. (2-OCT-05)

September 30, 2005

Attacks on journalists and detentions of youth activists in Baku

According to BBC News the police in the Republic of Azerbaijan have beaten and arrested dozens of protesters during a rally in the capital, Baku, on 25 September. The Interior Ministry said the rally was not sanctioned and protesters had been warned that force would be used. (29-SEPT-05)

September 21, 2005

Azeri authorities must stop its harassment

Azeri authorities must stop the harassment of independent journalists, political activists and human rights defenders. This is  the message in a statement from the Human Rights House Network in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Poland, Norway, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, England, Republic of Kenya and Republic of Uganda, the Swedish Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Defenders Office of the International Service for Human Rights adopted 8 September in Baku. (22-SEP-05)

September 16, 2005

Nagorno-Karabakh: Viewing the conflict from the ground

The international NGO International Crisis Group (ICG) has released its long-expected report on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. One major conclusion of ‘Nagorno-Karabakh: Viewing the conflict from the ground’ is that all sides to the conflict will have to educate, commit and prepare themselves far better for peace for the seeds of the high-level negotiations to bear fruit. (16-SEP-05)

September 6, 2005

Human Rights House Network meeting in Baku

Representatives from established and emerging Human Rights Houses in ten countries are gathered in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, 7-10 September to strengthen support to and cooperation with Azeri human rights defenders. UN Special Representative for human rights defenders, Hina Jilani, (right) will also attend the meetings, held in partnership with OSCE, ISHR and the Swedish Helsinki Committee. (06-SEP-05)

September 2, 2005

Journalist’s brother abducted and beaten up

Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) has voiced shock after masked men kidnapped the brother of an opposition daily journalist from a city centre and took him to a suburb where they beat him and threw him into a canal. Ramin Rzayev, brother of “Azadlig” journalist Mohammed Rzayev, was abducted on the evening of 30 August 2005 in the centre of Nakhitchevan, southwestern Republic of Azerbaijan. (2-SEP-05)

July 2, 2005

Azerbaijan: Slain journalist’s wife discontent over investigation

Four months have passed since the killing of the controversial editor-in-chief of opposition-minded Monitor journal. Prominent Azeri journalist Elmar Huseynov was gunned down at the entrance of his apartment on March 2. Monitor was a Russian language weekly magazine covering the activity of prominent politicians in the country. The journal published investigative pieces exposing official corruption, mismanagement and crime in different fields of economics and politics. (2-JUL-2005)