The World Condemns Azerbaijani Authority for the Violence
The violence, conducted by the law-enforcement representatives toward peaceful demonstrators in Baku on the 26-th of November caused lots of negative reaction both in Azerbaijani society and in international community. The preparation of the Azerbaijani authorities to disperse the peaceful demonstration – dozens of trucks with soldiers of the internal troops, columns of police, 2 water dispersing cars, specially trained dogs, tear gas balloons – shocked the people (30-NOV-2005).
Victims of Policy Brutality at Demonstration in Baku
On the 26-th of November the united radical opposition of Republic of Azerbaijan held a protest action against the stolen elections. Though the rally was sanctioned, there took place a brutal violence of police and internal troops at the squire against the peaceful demonstrators. The brutality over women and children, dozens of arrested and missed people, hundreds of injured – the figures are shocking (29-NOV-2005).
Police used tear gas against demonstrators in Baku
Azeri riot police used violence against the opposition protesters who took part in a peaceful rally at the Qalaba square in Baku this afternoon. According to BBC, truncheons, tear gas and water cannon were used to disperse the mass protest. Many activists are injured and 12 journalists have been beaten, reports the TURAN News Agency. Photo: Radio Free Europe (26-NOV-05).
Opposition is re-gaining the strength
Crushed by the disastrous election results on 6 November, the Azeri opposition is slowly regaining its strength. Following protests and requests to organize new elections, it has reorganized itself into a new coalition, the Democratic Front. More than 20 000 joined the rally on Saturday the 19th of October in Baku (20-NOV-2005).
The first Post-Election Protest Action of Azadlig Bloc
On the 9-th of November there took place the big manifestation of supporters of “Azadlig” Bloc in the route from “January 20” metro station towards “Galaba” cinema. Thousands of opposition supporters made the huge people’s flow toward the Galaba. In addition to united Azadlig Bloc, the national Unanimity party and the “Yeni Siyaset” bloc joined to the protest action. The participation of young people in the protest action is noteworthy. The rally was watched by hundreds of international journalists and representatives of international organizations (09-NOV-2005).
The Opposition Bloc Azadlig (Freedom) Does Not Recognize the Election Results
The opposition bloc Azadlig (Freedom) does not recognize the results of the Parliamentary elections, held on the 6-th of November. Having in hands the hundreds facts of law violations on the election day, the opposition representatives stated to continue the struggle for fair and democratic election results. The leaders of Azadlig bloc called all the people, including independent candidates, whose rights had been violated, to join the efforts to make the struggle effective and fruitful (09-NOV-2005).
Azerbaijani Government Must Investigate the Fraud
The 6 November elections of Republic of Azerbaijan continue to be the issue of concern and regret of numerous international / diplomatic missions in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Having observed the elections in a number of polling stations, the international representatives cannot help making their comments on the topic (09-NOV-2005).
Azerbaijan’s unfinished election
Ilham Aliev´s (right) ruling party declared victory before the votes were counted, but the opposition can still challenge some of its fraudulent results. The 6 November elections were another missed opportunity for the oil-rich country in the southern Caucasus to demonstrate its commitment to democracy and reform., reports the International Crisis Group’s Caucasus Director Sabine Freizer in Baku. (08-NOV-05)
Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan did not meet the international Standards
The Parliamentary Elections, held in Azerbaijan on the 6-th of November 2005, attracted big attention of international community. Hundreds of international and thousands of local observers watched the elections. Among the most respectful reports was the opinion of International Election Observation Mission, which concluded that the elections in Azerbaijan had not met international standards (08-NOV-2005). […]