Police beat the protesters from opposition again
Baku: A number of oppositionals were detained and dozens beaten up during an unsanctioned demonstration in Baku on 18 December 2005. The Azeri Authoroties have previously received massive international criticism after the brutal break up of the peaceful rally in Baku on November 26. (19-DEC-2005)
Azerbaijani Youth Demands to Stop Pressure on Students
The youth of Republic of Azerbaijan became the special target of the authorities for political motives. During the pre and post-election period there was paid special attention to the political affiliation of students. According to the numerous reports received from the students, the institutional administration urged the students to attend the demonstrations of the ruling party, while prohibiting and making obstacles for their participation in pro-oppositional rallies. (18-DEC-2005)
International organization protecting press Reporters Sans Frontiers (Reporters Without Borders) has published a traditional index of mass media freedom in 167 world countries on the eve of New Year. The index is based on the analysis of situation of freedom of media and journalists, violation of their rights and freedoms, legislation in field of press, attitude of authorities towards media and general atmosphere in the country. (18-DEC-2005)
PACE: Democracy or Cooperation with the New Parliament
The commitments, the Azerbaijani authority taken in front of the international community are not fulfilled, thinks the human rights activists and a number of politicians. The joint letter of pro-democratic part of Republic of Azerbaijan reminds the PACE about numerous violations during the elections, as well as post-election violence and disrespect to human rights. Now the main question is if the PACE will confirm the mandates of the new deputies or it will follow the pro-democratic supportive position (18-DEC-2005).
The Public Research Commission will Release Public Opinion Report on the Violence, occurred on 26 No
On the 6-th of December there was created the Public Research Commission by the initiative of human rights defenders and lawyers. The Commission is to investigate the cases of violence, occurred on the 26 November protest action. The final output of the Commission will be the public opinion report on the basis of the data, collected during the research. On the 13-th of December at the first reporting meeting of the Commission there were outlined the preliminary results of the work. (14-DEC-2005)
Azerbaijan joined the Global Action on the International Human Rights Day
On the 10-th of December – the International Human Rights Day, human rights activists all over the world are organizing the events. One of the global actions, taking place in numerous world countries is the 24h Letter Writing Marathon, initially organized by the Amnesty International. For the second time Republic of Azerbaijan took part in this campaign and raised the voice in defence of dozens of people, whose rights had been violated (13-DEC-2005).
The Democratic Policy of US Government in Azerbaijan is Questioned
The fraudulent elections, followed by the post-election repression of pro-opposition citizens and violence at 26 November demonstration created an open scene for the international community to demonstrate the official standpoint toward the public-political situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The official statements of diplomatic corps and respectful international institutions are followed up in the society with the biggest interest and concern. As a matter of fact, US Government has become the special target for criticism from the side of both national and international experts. (08-DEC-2005)
PACE and EU: Political Situation in Azerbaijan Cause Deep Concern
The international institutions continue following the post-election situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The special concern is caused by the restricted freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The conduct of security forces to break up the opposition demonstration on November 26 was again referred negatively in the press-releases of EU and PACE. (7-DEC-2005)
New Parliament Started the Work
On the first session of new National Parliament the speaker and his deputies were elected. The president Ilham Aliyev, who spoke at the first session, called the election of the new parliament an important step in the “democratic development of the country” and positively assessed the activities of the previous parliament. (07-DEC-2005)