Human Rights House Baku is urgent for Azerbaijan
“Establishment of the Human Rights House in Baku is a priority for 2007” was one of the conclusions of the annual meeting of HRHF in Zagreb, held in November 2006. The representatives from HRH Baku, taking part in the meeting, shared with the results and conclusions with the other members of HRH Baku. (04-DEC-06)
Media Watchdogs are Concerned
The international media watchdog organizations are concerned about the media situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Reporters Without Borders says that the measures taken by Azeri authorities show that they are taking a harder line towards the independent media despite the appeals from press freedom organizations, the European Union, the OSCE and the United States. The Committee to Protect Journalists state that they view the closure of ANS and the eviction of opposition news outlets as a clear assault on the independent media. (28-NOV-06)
Statement of IRFS
StOn the 27-th of November, the national organization – the Institute for Reporter Freedom and Safety – released a statement, condemning the closure of ANS and the illegal and aggressive eviction of all organizations from the Azadlig Newspaper´s building. IRFS believes that this is by far the cruelest step that Azerbaijan´s government has taken in its attempt to strangle off the independent press. The article contains the full text of the statement. (28-NOV-06)
Azerbaijan: Attacks on Media Hurt Conflict Resolution
The International Crisis Group published a new media release “Azerbaijan: Attacks on Media Hurt Conflict Resolution “. The release supposes that the obvious deterioration of the media freedom and human rights impacts the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem in a negative way. See the article with the text of the media release. (27-NOV-06)
Azerbaijan: Authorities silence outspoken media
On the 27-th of November, Baku-based analyst of the International Crisis Group, Vugar Gojayev, released the article “Azerbaijan: Authorities silence outspoken media”. The author analyzes the current pressure on media, referring to the most recent facts of attacks on mass media. The full text of the article is given below. (27-NOV-06)
Hunger Strike for Education Rights
The students of the Independent Republic of Azerbaijan University continue the hunger strike since the 21-st of November. The protest is held for restoration of the students’ rights for education. Despite of the numerous calls of the respectful people to stop the action, the students insist on the their struggle until the victory. The health state of several students has already been significantly worsened. (26-NOV-06)
Support for Media Freedom
The representatives of different international organizations, taking part in the annual conference of the Human Rights House Foundation in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, disscussed the uneasy stage the media of Republic of Azerbaijan is at. Being seriously concerned with the ongoing attack on media, the representatives of 13 organizations signed the protest letter on the 25-th of November for support of freedom of expression and democracy. The text of the letter is given below. (26-NOV-06)
Eviction of Opposition
A leading opposition party as well as several pro-oppositional information agencies was evicted from their offices on the 25-th of November, a day after the decision of the Economic Court N1. About 100 police surrounded the building housing the editorial offices of Azadlig, while law enforcement officers removed the organizations´ property and carted it away in trucks. Police did not let people in and kept journalists and foreign diplomats, whose countries have expressed concern about freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan, at least 100 meters away. (26-NOV-06)
Transmission of ANS TV Channel Stops
On the 24-th of November the National Radio and Television Council (NRTC) adopted a decision not to prolong the term of the license for the biggest independent broadcaster ANS TV channel, which had violated the broadcasting law and disregarded official warnings and fines. On the same day, the employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies sealed all broadcasting equipment of ANS Company. (25-NOV-06)