

September 13, 2007

Azerbaijani Authority Plans to Regulate Internet Broadcasting

The National Radio and TV Council (NRTC) proposed the creation of the special structure to regulate and control internet space. The local Azerbaijani NGO “Azerbaijan Internet Forum” (AIF) expressed serious concern about this step and called it a form of “censorship”. This “absurd” step violates articles in Azerbaijan’s Constitution and international norms related to freedom of the press and expression, as well as information exchange”, reads the statement. (22-JUN-07)

September 13, 2007

CPJ Urges Azerbaijan to End Persecution

“The Azerbaijani government jailed Eynulla Fatullayev (right) on a spurious libel charge, then filed a vague terrorist charge against him, and harassed and intimidated his staff to the point they could no longer work. Now they have forced him to suffer while in their custody,” said Joel Simon, CPJ’s executive director. “We call on the Azerbaijani authorities to end their relentless persecution of a critical journalist and release Eynulla immediately.” (21-JUN-07)

September 13, 2007

IRFS Opens Press Center

The Institute for Reporter Freedom and Safety opened the press center in its office within the framework of legal assistance project. IRFS Director, Project Coordinator Emin Huseynov (right) said that the project and the press center are funded by the United States’ National Endowment for Democracy. Huseynov also noted that for a year any journalist or journalism organization that wishes will be able to conduct events for free in IRFS’ press center. (20-JUN-07)

September 13, 2007

Human Rights Activists’ Distrust

On the 18-th of June, there was released the Presidential Decree about the establishment of Human Rights Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan. However, the human rights activists do not trust the sincerity of this intention. Many of them believe that the establishment of this day does not guarantee the respect for human rights, neither does it ensure the fundamental freedoms. (19-JUN-07)

June 28, 2007

Editors’ Union of Azerbaijan Appeals to GUAM

The Editors’ Union sent an official appeal to the participants of the regional organisation for Demcracy and Economic Development GUAM Summit, held in Baku on the 17-th of June. The appeal contains the brief information about the recent cases of pressure on journalists and obligations of Republic of Azerbaijan in the sphere of democracy and human rights. The appeal states that GUAM members should urge Republic of Azerbaijan to fulfill its obligations and respect human rights. (18-JUN-07)

June 28, 2007

Journalists File a Lawsuit

The number of journalists, seeking for political asylum continues to grow and has reached 25. Meanwhile, the deputies of the the Parliament accuse press representatives in “damaging the prestige of Republic of Azerbaijan in the international arena”. The deputy Siyavush Novruzov publicly stated that these journalists do not have “Azerbaijani blood”, for which the journalists prepare to file a lawsuit against him. (17-JUN-07)

June 28, 2007

Protest Action Dispersed

On 14 June, the group of journalists attempted to hold the picket with slogans to stop the pressure on journalists. However, the police dispersed the unsanctioned journalists´ protest, injuring several journalists and detaining others. (15-JUN-07)

June 28, 2007

Support to Journalists Comes from Holland

On June 12 in front of the parliament in Holland´s capital city of Hague a protest against pressure on the mass media in Republic of Azerbaijan was held, according to Eldaniz Yusibov, chairman of the World Union of Azerbaijani Political Immigrants. The protest was supposed to be held simultaneously with the journalists´ protest in Baku; however Baku´s Mayor refused to sanction the event for Baku journalists . (13-JUN-07)

June 10, 2007

Joint Appeal to Terry Davis

On the 8-th of June the Freedom of Expression Coordination Council conducted a roundtable discussion in the International Press Club. During the event pressure against Azerbaijan´s mass media was discussed and signatures were being gathered on an appeal to Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis. The appeal reads “The problems surrounding the safety of journalists have been stuck to this day in a very serious state.” (09-JUNE-07)