IA: PeaceTalks Discussion on the South Caucasus
Alert’s recent PeaceTalks event brought together civil society leaders to share their first-hand perspectives on the conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijanis over Nagorny Karabakh. Among the panelists of the event was Avaz Hasanov (right), Head of the Centre for Humanitarian Research, a member of the Human Rights House Republic of Azerbaijan. (04-OCT-07)
One More Journalist Beaten
For last year there are received numerous reports about the cases of intimidation and harassment to mass media representatives. The long list of attacks, arrests, threats is complemented by one more new case – the case of journalist Hakimeldostu Mehdiyev (right), the Nakhichevan correspondent of “Yeni Musavat” Newspaper, who was detained and heavily beaten by Police and representatives of the National Sceurity Ministry. (01-OCT-07)
Protection of Victims of Trafficking to be Organized
The Public Union “Human Rights Education” in cooperation with Republic of Azerbaijan Women Lawyers’ Forum and the OSCE Baku offices launches the new project “Protection of Victims of Trafficking” within the program “School of Advocates for Women Lawyers”. (28-SEP-07)
Exhibition “1000 Women for Peace”
The International Day of Peace, observed around the world on 21 September, presents a unique opportunity for all, governments, non-governmental and international organizations and all individuals to strive for peace and explore different venues for upholding peace on a global, national, and local level. In the Republic of Azerbaijan this day was celebrated by the Exhibition “1000 Women for Peace”. (23-SEP-07)
Monitoring of the Family Code
On the 20-th of September, the scientific-practical conference on the results of the monitoring of the Family Code of Republic of Azerbaijan Republic was held. The conference was dedicated to the discussions of the recommendations of certain amendments in the Family Code, which are due to be adopted by Milli Mejlis (the National Parliament) within a few months. (21-SEP-07)
International Day of Journalists’ Solidarity
On the 7-th of September the International Day of Journalists’ Solidarity was celebrated in the Republic of Azerbaijan with the initiative of the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety and participation of media and human rights representatives. The visit to the grave of the slain Azerbaijani journalist Elmar Huseynov was organized on this occasion as well. (09-SEP-07)
COE Human Rights Commissioner in Azerbaijan
Tomas Hammerberg (right), COE Human Rights Commissioner, had a working-visit to Republic of Azerbaijan, during which he met with representatives of human rights organizations, mass media outlets and government. On this occasion, Article 19 in the open letter to T. Hammarberg drew his attention to the necessity to raise his concerns with the authorities and to highlight the violations against freedom of expression and freedom of the press in the country. (07-SEP-07)
Letter to EBRD on Country Strategy Review for Azerbaijan
On 31 August 2007, the Human Rights Watch wrote a letter to the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on the Banks’ Country Strategy Review in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The HRW also encouraged the EBRD to advance the short list of concrete and measurable reform steps as part of its dialogue with Republic of Azerbaijan. (02-SEP-07)
Cooperation or control?
A new government initiative alleges that its goal is to bolster the NGO sector, but experts are concerned it may threaten organizations’ independence. The careful analysis of the issue is reflected in the article, written by journalists Shahin Abbasov and Marianna Gurtovnik on website. (31-AUG-07)