

November 19, 2007

Joint Action to Support Memorial Erection

On the 6-th of November 2007, 27 IFEX members signed up for the joint letter to the president of Republic of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev. The letter urges the president to allow the erection of the memorial to slain journalist Elmar Huseynov, an outspoken editor in chief of the Monitor Weekly, who was shot to death on the 2-nd of March 2005 at his doorway. (08-NOV-07)

November 19, 2007

Round Tables on “Role Models: Women Daring to Change”

Women’s Association for Rational Development (WARD) held two Round Tables on the topic “Role Models: Women Daring to Change”, financially supported by the US Embassy in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The round tables took place in the Baku office of British Council on the 30 and 31 October and were a part of the project of the same name. (03-NOV-07)

November 19, 2007

Eynulla Fatullayev Sentenced to 8,5 years

“Realny Azerbaijan” and “Gundalik Azerbayjan” newspapers’ Editor-in-Chief and Founder Eynulla Fatullayev is accused of threatening terrorism, inciting religious, ethnic and/or national hatred, and tax evasion. The conviction of Fatullayev by Azerbaijan’s Grave Crimes Court on the 30-th of October is a culmination of a concerted effort by the Azerbaijani authorities to silence Fatuallyev and his newspapers. (01-NOV-07)

November 19, 2007

“Do Not Harm” Approach in South Caucasus

From 15 to 25 October 2007, there was organized 3 series of training workshops “Do Not Harm” in Tbilisi for civil society organizations from Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia with full support of EED and Heks Aper institutions. The DNH was evaluated to be an important tool for conflict-sensitive programme management. (29-OCT-07) 

October 20, 2007

OSCE Watches Media Situation in South Caucasus

On 11-12 October 2007 in Tbilisi, Georgia, the OSCE Representative for Media Freedom and the OSCE office in Georgia hosted the fourth annual conference on media self-regulation in the South Caucasus. Representatives from mass media and journalism organizations from the South Caucasus participated in the event. At the end of the conference a statement on self-regulation of the press in the South Caucasus was adopted. (17-OCT-07)

October 15, 2007

Heinrich Boell Foundation Met with Human Rights Defenders

On 12 October 2007 the big delegation group of Heinrich Boell Foundation had a meeting with a group of human rights defenders of Republic of Azerbaijan. The purpose of the meeting was to get comprehensive information on human rights environment in the country as well as get acquainted with the local and regional initiatives of organizations regarding human rights, conflict transformation, civil society building. (14-OCT-07)

October 15, 2007

Human Rights Defenders Participated in PACE Session

The group of 4 human rights defenders of Republic of Azerbaijan took part in fall session of PACE. Having met with a number of representatives from different PACE representatives, the human rights defenders stressed the poor human rights records, especially in the area of the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. (11-OCT-07)

October 15, 2007

Members of Human Rights House Azerbaijan Participated in OSCE Warsaw Meeting

The annual Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) 2007 was organized on 25 September – 05 October in Warsaw. The joint statement on behalf of the human rights organizations in the Republic of Azerbaijan on human rights and media situation was made public at the meeting. (08-OCT-07)

October 8, 2007

IA: PeaceTalks Discussion on the South Caucasus

Alert’s recent PeaceTalks event brought together civil society leaders to share their first-hand perspectives on the conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijanis over Nagorny Karabakh. Among the panelists of the event was Avaz Hasanov (right), Head of the Centre for Humanitarian Research, a member of the Human Rights House Republic of Azerbaijan. (04-OCT-07)