

February 23, 2008

NGO Council to be Created

The Council for Support of NGOs under President was set up in December 2007. However all the questions related to its activity remain open. The selection of
members must take place within the months of February. (04-JAN-08)

January 24, 2008

Women for Freedom of Expression

The Women’s Council of Popular Front Party organized a press conference on the theme “Women for freedom of Expression” at International Press Center. The conference, held with participation of the representatives from political parties, human rights organizations and mass media, concluded that the freedom of expression is in serious danger in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (16-DEC-07)

January 24, 2008

“Radio Liberty” Journalist Released

The Radio Liberty correspondent, Ilgar Nasibov, sentenced to three months of imprisonment in Nakhichevan on 6 December, was released on the 10-th of December. According to the correspondent he was threatened and subjected to extreme psychological pressure in the prison. (13-DEC-07)

January 24, 2008

Human Rights Day in Azerbaijan

A number of events were held in the Republic of Azerbaijan on occasion of the International Human Rights Day, organized by national and international human rights actors. At all events the poor record of human rights, especially freedom of expression in the Republic of Azerbaijan was a main conclusion and special concern. (11-DEC-07)

January 7, 2008

Death in Detention

Faina Kungurova, a 33-year-old political activist in the Republic of Azerbaijan, member of Republic of Azerbaijan Democratic Party, died in prison of apparent starvation on 8 November after a month of stay in the prison. She was the first female political prisoner to die in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Not refuting the official charges of drug possession and distribution, the human rights activists consider her arrest politically motivated.  (05-DEC-07)

December 2, 2007

HIV/AIDS Becomes a Priority Problem in Azerbaijan

Totally, from 1987 to 20 November 2007 there have been registered 1232 HIV-infected people in Azerbaijan; the number of deaths in this period is 192 people. However, on the 1-st of December, the international day of struggle against HIV/AIDS, there has been voiced a concern that the real number of HIV-infected people is much larger as people, being afraid of the stigma, do not pass the tests. (03-DEC-07)

December 2, 2007

Master Classes on Human Rights in Lenkaran

The Society for Humanitarian Research conducted Master Classes on Human Rights, Conflict Transformation and Gender Issues in Lenkaran. The classes were organized for local representatives of human rights organizations and mass media in 28-30 November 2007, and were financially supported by the South Caucasus office of Henrich Boell Foundation. (01-DEC-07)

December 2, 2007

Human Rights Defenders Report for 2007

On the 28-th of November, the leaders of human rights organizations Novella Jafaroglu, Arzu Abdullayeva, Saida Gojamanly, Zaliha Tahirova and Saadat Benanyarly organized a press conference in the International Press Center on the topic “Human Rights in Republic of Azerbaijan in 2007”. (29-NOV-07)

November 19, 2007

Conference about Freedom of Expression

The conference “Press Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Context of Local and International Legislation” started in the Republic of Azerbaijan on the 19-th of November. The conference opened with a 15-minute film prepared by the Presidential Administration Socio-Political Department, which presented the situation with freedom of expression in the Republic of Azerbaijan only from a positive standpoint. The film did not contain a word on murdered or imprisoned journalists. (20-NOV-07)