

June 10, 2008

Results of Media Monitoring

The Coalition of Azerbaijani Journalist Organizations unveils the results of six months monitoring of “Adherence to Ethical Principles in the Azerbaijani Press”. According to Mehman Aliyev (right), the Director of “Turan” Information Agency and a member of the Press Council’s Executive Board, the project aim was to assist editorial offices in adhering to ethical principles and to bring existing problems to light and aid in solving them. (10-JUN-08)

June 5, 2008

Azerbaijani Journalist is Shortlisted for a Special Award

Amnesty International shortlists Yemeni and Azerbaijani journalists for 2008 “Special Award for Human Rights Journalism Under Threat”, part of the organisation´s annual media awards. Abdul Karim al-Khaiwani (Yemen) and Aqil Xalil (Azerbaijan) shortlisted for this award. (05-JUN-08)

May 28, 2008

Several journalists given awards for their human rights coverage

A contest carried out with financial support from Open Society Institute of the Media Rights Center – Assistance Fund on the topic of “Journalist investigations on the situation of human rights” has concluded. The presentation of prizes took place in the International Press Center on 26 May. (28-MAY-08)

May 28, 2008

Conference of PACE Monitoring Group

On 19 May 2008 PACE Monitoring Group held the press conference on the results of Monitoring Committee of PACE. During this conference co-rapporteurs of Parliament Assembly of the Council of Europe Andreas Herkel and Yevgeniya Jivkova’s touched the question, related to the freedom of speech situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan and criminal cases against journalists in the country. (21-MAY-08)

May 28, 2008

Election Monitoring Center Lost Registration

Basing on minor technical pretexts, the Ministry of Justice liquidated the registration of Election Monitoring Center on 14 April 2008, three months after the organization got registration. According to the chairman of the EMC, Anar Mammadli (right) “the closure of the center is directly connected with the 15 October presidential elections. We have right to freedom of association. Utilizing this right we’ll continue our work with or without registration”. (16-MAY-08)  

May 28, 2008

Film on Nagorno-Karabagh

The Society for Humanitarian Researches produced a film “Nagorno Karabagh – consulting with the society”. The film is based on the questions and answers of political scientists and representatives of NGO-s, participating in the peacemaking process related to the issue of Nagorno Karabagh. It is planned to translate the film to Russian, English and German languages. The first presentation of the film will be held in the Republic of Turkey and Germany. (08-MAY-08)

May 6, 2008

Azeris visit journalists’ graves on World Press Freedom Day

The World Press Freedom Day was celebrated in the Republic of Azerbaijan by a number of events. The importance of press freedom for the country democracy was underlined at all the organized events and the current situation with press in the Republic of Azerbaijan was assessed negatively. As part of the arrangements, the graves of late journalists Najaf Najafov and Elmar Huseynov were visited by media representatives, human rights defenders and political activists. (04-MAY-08)

May 6, 2008

Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan celebrates its 15th anniversary

cThe Human Rights Center of Republic of Azerbaijan, one of the most active human rights NGOs in the country, celebrates its 15-th Anniversary today. The organization, headed by Eldar Zeynalov (right), aimed at the struggle against political censorship and made a major contribution to the movement of journalists, human rights defenders which ended up in the liquidation of the political censorship. Currently, the HRCA is a significant actor in monitoring, education and protection of human rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (29-APR-08)

May 6, 2008

Azerbaijan: Imprisoned journalists recognized for their courage

Three Azerbaijani writers have been recognized for persevering in their work despite political persecution and imprisonment by being awarded Hellman/Hammett Grants. The Hellman/Hammett grants, administered by Human Rights Watch, are given annually to writers who face political persecution for their work. Eynulla Fatullayev, editor-in-chief of Realni Republic of Azerbaijan and Gundalik Republic of Azerbaijan newspapers; Mirza Sakit, writer for Azadlig daily; and Ganimed Zahidov, editor-in-chief of the same paper, were awarded Hellmann/Hammett grants on April 24, 2008 in recognition of their journalism. (26-APR-08)