

July 22, 2008

Journalists’ Fate in Azerbaijan

In the Republic of Azerbaijan journalists are working in a risky environment. “I think it is high time to write White Book to enter names of journalists – victims of the regime – into it,” human rights defender Leyla Yunus (right) commented on the situation of press in connection with National Press Day. (22-JUL-2008)

July 12, 2008

Opposition Boycotts Presidential Elections

Azerbaijani opposition declared its decision to boycott presidential elections of 2008. Menawhile, Ali Hasanov (right), head of presidential administration’s public-political department insists that statements about boycott of elections do not affect political life in the republic. (12-JUL-2008)

July 3, 2008

PACE President’s Concern about Journalists’ Arrest

On July 2 Parliament of Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) President Lluís Maria de Puig conducted a briefing for journalists in Azerbaijan’s office of Council of Europe. To a question from the journalists about the imprisonment of journalists in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Lluís Maria de Puig stated that the imprisonment of journalists in Council of Europe member states is unacceptable. (3-JUL-08)

June 30, 2008

Forum on “Pre-Election Democratic Freedoms in Azerbaijan”

On 27 June a forum on the topic “Pre-election Democratic Freedoms in Azerbaijan” was conducted by the Institute for Peace and Democracy. NGO representatives, leaders of political parties, national deputies, and representatives from the diplomatic corps and international organizations participated in the forum. The director of IPD, Leyla Yunus (right), expressed her regret for the absence of state representatives despite of invitation. (30-JUN-08)

June 23, 2008

Press Council Regulation is Changed

On 20 June Azerbaijani Journalists conducted the Fifth Congress during which Aflatun Amashev (right) was re-elected as Press Council Chairman. The new chairman of the Press Council was chosen by the members of Administrative Staff in accordance to the council’s procedures. (23-JUN-08)

June 20, 2008

Statement of OSCE Special Representative

The OSCE Special Representative for Combating Human Trafficking, Eva Biaudet, commended Republic of Azerbaijan for passing important anti- trafficking laws, and encouraged authorities to step up co-operation with non-governmental organizations to better identify victims. (20-JUN-08)

June 17, 2008

IRFS Chairman Emin Huseynov is Beaten and Hospitalized

On 14 June, Emin Huseynov (right), the chairman of IRFS, was subjected to police brutality, after which he was detained during a police raid of an event being held at the “Alaturka-Cafe”, dedicated to 80th birthday of Ernesto Che Guvera. (17-JUN-08)

June 12, 2008

Institute for Reporters´ Freedom and Safety´s Chairman detained

HRHF is concerned about the detention of the Institute for Reporters´ Freedom and Safety’s  Chairman, Emin Huseynov today, 12th of June. The Institute for Reporters´ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) reports that Emin Huseynov was detained in front of Azerbaijan´s Presidential Administration building while filming a picket held by students. (12-JUN-08)

June 10, 2008

Results of Media Monitoring

The Coalition of Azerbaijani Journalist Organizations unveils the results of six months monitoring of “Adherence to Ethical Principles in the Azerbaijani Press”. According to Mehman Aliyev (right), the Director of “Turan” Information Agency and a member of the Press Council’s Executive Board, the project aim was to assist editorial offices in adhering to ethical principles and to bring existing problems to light and aid in solving them. (10-JUN-08)