Bulletin of the European Court of Human Rights
The Council of Europe and the Eurasian Lawyers Association in close cooperation with the Republic of Azerbaijan Lawyers Confederation and Baku Law Centre starts publishing the Bulletin of the European Court of Human Rights in Azerbaijani language.
Human Rights Defenders Visit Imprisoned Journalists
On 22 August the members of Public Committee attached to the Ministry of Justice Eldar Zeynalov, Elmira Alakbarova and Elmari Mamishov, as well as member of the Council of Human Rights Center of Republic of Azerbaijan ZalihaTahirova visited Prison # 10. On 28 August human rights defenders Novella Jafaroglu, Saadat Bananyarli and Chingiz Ganizade visited “Azadlig” newspaper satiric/journalist Sakit Zahidov in Prison # 14 and editor-in-chief of “Realny Azerbaijan” newspapers Eynulla Fatullayev in Prison # 12. (31-AUG-08)
Nakhchivani Journalists Attacked
On 27 August in the village of Nehrem, in Azerbaijan’s Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, a confrontation occurred between village residents and police.
During the confrontation, three journalists; Radio Liberty correspondents Malahat Nasibova and Ilgar Nasibov, and Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety correspondent Elman Abbasov were beaten. (29-AUG-08)
Conference on “Media and Elections”
The Council of Europe and “Yeni Nesil” Journalist Union conducted a one day conference on the topic of “Media and Elections: Democratic Responsibility of Media” within the framework of activity plan to improve media professionalism in the Republic of Azerbaijan during the run-up for presidential elections 2008. (26-AUG-08)
Media Monitoring of Presidential Elections
Institute for Reporters` Freedom and Safety is launching its 2008 Presidential Election Media-Monitoring Project to systematically monitor the media coverage of the 15 October presidential election. The periodic results of the monitoring of seven television stations and four newspapers will be regularly released to the public. (17-AUG-08)
“Yeni Nesil” Unveils Results of Media Monitoring
On August 6, “Yeni Nesil” Journalist Union unveiled the results of media monitoring it is conducting with financial support from the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The monitoring results encompass the period between 15 and 30 July. (8-AUG-2008)
War For Free Press Stopped, But Guns Still Kept Ready
“Turan” News Agency’s Director Mehman Aliyev (right) in his article “War For Free Press Stopped, But Guns Still Kept Ready” highlights the situation on freedom of press, giving examples from historical moments of Republic of Azerbaijan and the whole world concerning this issue. (5-AUG-2008)
President Allocates Funds to Mass Media
On 31 July President Ilham Aliyev (right) signed a decree to give out one time financial aid to mass media institutions. According to the decree, 38 mass media institutions will each receive one time aid in the amount of 5000 AZN (6200 USD approximately) from the president’s reserve fund. (1-AUG-2008)
Electronic Database of Pressed Journalists
On 25 July presentation of the “Electronic Database of Journalists Subjected to Pressure” took place in the press center of the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety. (26-JUL-2008)