

June 29, 2009

Azerbaijan to abolish independent NGO sector?

Intigam Aliyev, President of the Legal Education Society, Republic of Azerbaijan, says the purpose of amendments to the legislation on non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Azerbaijan is ‘to abolish independent NGO sector.’

June 19, 2009

Discussion Forum on proposed amendments to Azerbaijan’s NGO law

Civil Society Defence Committee was established on 11 June 2009 to achieve complete removal of the proposed amendments to Azerbaijan’s law “On Non-Government Organisations (public unions and foundations)” from the agenda and work plan of Milli Mejlis which is intended to be discussed at its extraordinary session on 19 June. The Committee is composed of the NGOs working in various spheres.

June 18, 2009

HR organisations protest proposed amendments to NGO law in Azerbaijan (updated)

Freedom of association and the rights of human rights defenders are at risk of being severely curtailed in the Republic of Azerbaijan, should a set of amendments to the republic’s Law on Non-Governmental Organizations be adopted by the Azeri parliament, right, tomorrow. The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders and members of the Human Rights House Network express their concern in letters of concern, below.

June 18, 2009

Concern over proposed amendments to the NGO law

The Human Rights House Network is highly concerned about the draft amendments to the Law of Republic of Azerbaijan “On Non-governmental organizations (public associations and foundations)” that are due to be discussed on 19 June by the Parliament of Republic of Azerbaijan.

June 18, 2009

South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders concerned about new NGO law in Azerbaijan

The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders is alarmed about the draft amendments to the Law of Republic of Azerbaijan “On Non-governmental organizations (public associations and foundations)” that are due to be discussed on 19 June by the Parliament of Republic of Azerbaijan.

June 16, 2009

Council of Europe concerned about changes to media and NGO legislation in Azerbaijan

In a press release issued today, the Council of Europe expresses concern about some of the proposed changes to the legislation regulating non-governmental organisations and media in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Amendments as proposed, which will be reportedly submitted for parliamentary decision this Friday, may create serious obstacles for the freedom of expression and normal functioning of the civil society in the Republic of Azerbaijan. They may even lead to the closing of the Council of Europe School of Political Studies in Baku.

June 12, 2009

Azerbaijan: Proposed amendments to NGO law will eliminate NGOs

On June 9 the Legal Policy Committee adopted the amendments to the Law on NGO (Funds). Several human rights organizations are concerned that if the proposed changes are approved, the work of non-governmental organisations in the Republic of Azerbaijan will be severely limited and restricted. Right, the Azeri parliament assembled.

June 10, 2009

Key problems of judicial system of Azerbaijan revealed

The monitoring of the judicial system of Republic of Azerbaijan conducted by the Institute of Peace and Democracy (IPD) has revealed some key problems and gaps in the national judicial system. IPD concluded that even though the courts are created on the basis of the laws, they do not correlate with the criteria of ‘quality of law`.

June 4, 2009

‘Aadliq’ and N. Javadli awarded Gerd Bucerius prize for press freedom

The Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway held the awards ceremony on Wednesday, 3 June, for the Gerd Bucerius Prize for Press Freedom in Eastern Europe and the Stiftelsen Fritt Ord prize for Press Freedom in the Russian Federation.