Youth organisations unite to protect the rights of arrested activists
Today, 14 July, in the press center of the Baku Human Rights House, a press conference was held in connection with the arrest of “Alumni Network” Youth Organization Coordinator, ANTV Online TV Leader Emin Milli and one of the “OL” Youth Organization coordinators, well-known video-blogger Adnan Hajizade.
UN Human Rights Committee begins its review of Azerbaijan
-None of the crimes committed against journalists have been properly investigated. The perpetrators have not received any punishment to this day. These were among the facts presented by HRHF Geneva, on behalf of the South Caucasus Network for Human Rights Defenders, at the opening of the UN Human Rights Committee’s review of Republic of Azerbaijan today.
HRHN calls for release of youth activists in Azerbaijan
Over 20 members of the Human Rights House Network sent a letter of concern to the Interior Minister of Republic of Azerbaijan, calling for an immediately release of two detained youth activists.
Human Rights Committee review of Azerbaijan
The UN Human Rights Committee will review Azerbaijan on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 July 2009 in it’s 96th Session.
Human Rights Committee briefing on Azerbaijan
The UN Human Rights Committee will begin it’s 96th Session Monday 13 July 2009.
Youth activists beaten and arrested in Azerbaijan
Last night, 8 July, around 8:00 p.m., Emin Milli (Abdullayev) and Adnan Hajizade were sitting in a restaurant with other young adults, discussing the activity of youth organizations related to the Internet. Up to them came two men, looking like sportsmen. After verbally insulting Milli and Hajizade and demanding that they stop talking politics, they violently attacked them, causing physical injuries.
‘We call it a Victory’
The parliament ruled on 30 June to drop all measures intended to severely restrict NGOs activities. It was with a mixture of joy and surprise that Azerbaijani civil liberties activists received the news that the draft law had been scrapped. But there continues to be grave concern among activists and human rights organisations, reports Vugar Gojayev
Draft amendments to NGO law improved but still raise concern
Most of the questions causing concern of civil society have been eliminated from the renewed amendments.
Amendments to NGO law in Azerbaijan not approved (updated)
Lawmakers in the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 30th backed away from approving new restrictions on civil society that had been harshly criticised by local and foreign rights groups.