Concerns with deterioration of freedom of expression in Azerbaijan
34 members of the Human Rights House Network sent a letter of concern to the Azerbaijani authorities today, condemning the unfair sentence of the two bloggers on 11 November and deploring the deterioration of freedom of expression in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Norwegian Embassy in Baku regrets court ruling against bloggers
The Norwegian Embassy in Baku has issued a statement regretting the court’s ruling to imprison two young bloggers – Emin (Milli) Abdullayev and Adnan Hajizade, right.
A verdict is issued against the young bloggers
Today the Sabail District Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Araz Huseynov, issued a verdict in the criminal case opened under article 221.2.1(hooliganism) and 127 (inflicting intentional minor bodily harm) against young bloggers Emin Abdullayev (Millli) and Adnan Hajizade. Emin Milli was sentenced to 2,5 years imprisonment and Adnan Hajizade – to 2 years imprisonment.
“The journalist who wont’ be silenced.”
In its brochure on journalist Malahat Nasibova, 2009 Rafto Prize winner the Rafto Foundation called her “The journalist who won’t be silenced”.
Concerns with increased pressure on Azerbaijani NGOs
The Human Rights House Foundation, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, the Rafto Foundation, the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders and the Belarusian Human Rights House in exile in Vilnius are concerned about the noticeable tendency in the Republic of Azerbaijan to put local non-governmental organisations under increased government control following the recent amendments to the NGO law. The amended law allows the government to collect information on NGOs without referring to any specific purpose articulated in this or other laws.
ARTICLE 19 launches report on the right to access information
ARTICLE 19 today launches a report analysing the implementation of the Law on the Right to Obtain Information in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The report concludes that the Azerbaijani Government must implement a comprehensive action plan in order to effectively implement the law, or the right to freedom of information will remain inaccessible.
Justice Ministry conducts inspection of IRFS office, questions staff
The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) assesses the sudden and unwarranted initiation of an inspection of the organisation by the Justice Ministry as the beginning of a new campaign of pressure.
İndependent Writers’ Union started a marathon
Republic of Azerbaijan Human Rights House hosted its ever largest-scale event today.
Azerbaijan remains a country with low rating of the freedom of press
International organization “Reporters without Borders” published yesterday annual rating of the freedom of press in the world.