

August 16, 2016

“Арганізатарамі выбараў у Беларусі фактычна з’яўляюцца праўладныя грамадскія аб’яднанні”

Арганізатарамі выбараў у Беларусі фактычна з’яўляюцца пяць праўладных грамадскіх аб’яднанняў. Такое меркаванне выказаў эксперт кампаніі “Праваабаронцы за свабодныя выбары” Валянцін Стэфановіч, каментуючы розніцу паміж колькасцю вылучэнцаў у склад участковых выбаркамаў прадстаўнікоў ад палітычных партыяў і грамадскіх аб’яднанняў.

August 16, 2016

Azerbaijani activists arrested in run up to referendum on expanding presidential powers

Several Azerbaijani activists including; Natig Jafarli, Elshan Gasimov, Togrul Ismayiıov, Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, and Elgiz Qahreman have been arrested in the run up to a national referendum on expanding presidential powers. HRHF calls for the authorities in Azerbaijan to cease intimidating opposition and dissent during the referendum period. Additionally, we encourage the Council of Europe to hold Azerbaijan to its standards by guaranteeing the right to participate in public life during the referendum period, including the rights to freedom of expression and assembly.

August 10, 2016

Uladzimir Kondrus – the new political prisoner in Belarus

Representatives of the Belarusian human rights community published a joint statement, according to which the criminal prosecution of Uladzimir Kondrus (in the photo) is politically motivated, and he is recognised as a political prisoner. The full text of the statement is reproduced below.

August 10, 2016

Уладзімір Кондрусь – новы палітзняволены ў Беларусі

Прадстаўнікі беларускай праваабарончай супольнасці апублікавалі супольную заяву аб прызнанні крымінальнага пераследу Уладзіміра Кондруся (на фота) палітычна матываваным і прызнанні яго палітычным зняволеным. Поўны тэкст заявы прыводзім ніжэй.

August 5, 2016

Another political prisoner in Belarus?

In early August human rights defenders reported that a man was arrested and held in custody for his alleged participation in the riots after the presidential elections in 2010.

August 5, 2016

У Беларусі будзе новы палітвязень?

У пачатку жніўня праваабаронцы паведамілі аб затрыманым і змешчаным пад варту мужчыне, якога вінавацяць ва ўдзеле ў масавых беспарадках пасля прэзідэнцкіх выбараў 2010 года.

August 4, 2016

Armenia must stop the disproportionate use of force against protestors

The Human Rights House Network (HRHN) is deeply concerned about the disproportionate use of force against peaceful protestors in Armenia, in connection with “Erebuni” protests that began on 17 July.

August 2, 2016

Responsibility for violent clashes lies with the Armenian authorities

During “Erebuni” mass protests in Yerevan, largely peaceful protests have been met with disproportionate force, detentions, and provocations by law enforcement, leading to violent confrontations between police and protestors. The authorities have failed to meet their obligation to facilitate and support peaceful protests, and in many cases they have undermined efforts to ensure events remained peaceful.

July 30, 2016

HRH Network calls for an immediate investigation into the murder of journalist Pavel Sharamet

Journalist Pavel Sharamet was killed in a car bomb attack in Kyiv on 20 July 2016. His murder drew public attention to the fact that journalists work in a very difficult situation.

July 30, 2016

Сетка Дамоў правоў чалавека заклікае неадкладна расследаваць забойства журналіста Паўла Шарамета

Журналіст Павел Шарамет быў забіты ў выніку выбуху замініраванага аўтамабіля ў Кіеве 20 ліпеня 2016 г. Яго забойства звярнула ўвагу грамадства на тое, у якой складанай сітуацыі працуюць журналісты.

July 28, 2016

Dozens detained amid ongoing protests in Armenia

Members of Human Rights House Yerevan report that police have detained up to 80 people in Armenia since the protests began. There are also allegations that police did not provide information on some of these persons’ whereabouts for many hours, did not grant them timely access to legal representation, and have used disproportionate force against protestors. These detentions come amid mass protests in Yerevan, sparked by the armed occupation of a police station in the city’s Erebuni district.

July 28, 2016

Murder of Pavel Sheremet raises level of attacks on journalists in Ukraine

Journalist Pavel Sheremet was killed in a car bomb attack in Kyiv on 20 July 2016. His murder follows recent attacks on journalists and a climate in which journalists and media are discredited and in some cases vilified for their work.