

October 21, 2004

Colombia: Many human rights defenders murdered

– In two years, 46 trade unionisits, 6 journalists and 33 human rights defenders have been murdered in Colombia, said Carlos Ivan Lopera (picture) from Redepaz Peace Network, speaking at the HRH Anniversary Conference 13 October. Colombia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, not the least for human rights defenders. (21-OCT-04)

October 21, 2004

Colombia: Many human rights defenders murdered

– In two years, 46 trade unionisits, 6 journalists and 33 human rights defenders have been murdered in Colombia, said Carlos Ivan Lopera (picture) from Redepaz Peace Network, speaking at the HRH Anniversary Conference 13 October. Colombia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, not the least for human rights defenders.

October 21, 2004

Azerbaijan: Most foreign refugees are Chechens

The UN High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) Baku office has registered over 10,000 refugees from the Chechen Republic, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 8,500 of these people are Chechens and some 1,500 Afghanis. (21-OCT-2004)

October 21, 2004

Azerbaijan: WFP Slashes Food Rations To Refugees Due To Funding Woes

The United Nations World Food Program says it has been forced to cut its aid to displaced Azerbaijanis due to scarce funding. The agency´s decision is likely to make life much harder for the tens of thousands of civilians in the country who depend heavily on such foreign aid. Thousands of others — refugees from recent wars in the Caucasus and elsewhere — are also living in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in even worse conditions, reports Jean-Christophe Peuch of Radio Free Europe. (21-OCT-2004)

October 20, 2004

Azerbaijan: Most foreign refugees are Chechens

The UN High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) Baku office has registered over 10,000 refugees from the Chechen Republic, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 8,500 of these people are Chechens and some 1,500 Afghanis. (20-OCT-2004)

October 20, 2004

Azerbaijan: WFP Slashes Food Rations To Refugees Due To Funding Woes

The United Nations World Food Program says it has been forced to cut its aid to displaced Azerbaijanis due to scarce funding. The agency´s decision is likely to make life much harder for the tens of thousands of civilians in the country who depend heavily on such foreign aid. Thousands of others — refugees from recent wars in the Caucasus and elsewhere — are also living in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in even worse conditions, reports Jean-Christophe Peuch of Radio Free Europe. (20-OCT-2004) 

October 20, 2004

Norwegian Minister of Justice wants a policy on defenders

– Haven’t we done so, we should do it, said Norwegian Minister of Justice Odd Einar Dørum, when confronted with the fact that Norway – unlike the EU – still hasn’t developed a transparent, comprehensive policy on human rights defenders. (20-OCT-04) 

October 19, 2004

Watchdogs needed everywhere

– Human rights defenders have a fundamental role to play in any political system. Not even one government can claim that there is no need for watchdogs that follow their actions and report about human rights violations, said HRH´s Executive Director Maria Dahle at the opening of the anniversary conference 13 October in Oslo. (19-OCT-04)

October 19, 2004

Nairobi Update: One charge dropped, two referred to High Court

On Friday, the malicious damage charge initially filed against the group of human rights defenders who last week painted graffiti on a monument downtown Nairobi demanding that their government deliver on its promise to establish a truth, justice and reconciliation commission, was dropped. The incitement and illegal assembly charges, however, were referred to High Court for for a Constitutional reference. (19-OCT-04)

October 19, 2004

Watchdogs needed everywhere

– Human rights defenders have a fundamental role to play in any political system. Not even one government can claim that there is no need for watchdogs that follow their actions and report about human rights violations, said HRH´s Executive Director Maria Dahle at the opening of the anniversary conference 13 October in Oslo. (19-OCT-04) 

October 18, 2004

Documentary on prison torture

Documentary by Nenad Puhovski «Lora – testimonies» had its first run on Friday, October 15th within the Human Rights Film Festival in Zagreb. The documentary shows shocking testimonies of torture inside the Croatian military prison «Lora» during the war. (OCT-17-04)

October 18, 2004

Human rights defenders need stronger international support and protection

To prevent the perpetration of violations against defenders and the consequent worsening of human rights situations, the Human Rights House Network and the participants at the Anniversary conference in Oslo 13-14 October address national governments, regional bodies and international organisations, with a number of urgent recommendations. (18-OCT-04)