

October 22, 2004

Public protest in Minsk continues despite imprisonments

The first actiong of protest against the shameless falsification of the results of the election and the lawless referendum took place on 18 October. It was attended by numerous foreign observers and journalists. That´s why all the detainees were released. The detainees of the second protest action, 19 October, received huge fines or 3-15 days of jail. Nevertheless, the protest actions in Kastrychnitskaya square in the center of Minsk continue. (22-OCT-2004)

October 22, 2004

VIASNA statement: New wave of political repression has begun

The Parliamentary election and the republican referendum in the Republic of Belarus were conducted with numerous violations of the national electoral legislation and international standards. The falsifications and manipulations that were committed during the electoral campaign resulted in the wave of fair protest of the country’s citizens. That’s why the authoritarian regime in Republic of Belarus started an unheard assault on human rights and liberties. (22-OCT-2004)

October 22, 2004

Crackdown on demonstrators in Belarus

Representatives of the Human Rights House Network condemn the crackdown on peaceful demonstrators, journalists and representatives of the Belarusian political opposition by Belarusian authorities on the 19th of October. (21-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

Can we improve the Polish judiciary?

“The Efficient Court. A Collection of Good Practices” is the title of a book created over several years by a group of Polish judges. The group acted as part of the Association of Polish Judges “Iustitia”, in co-operation with the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The book contains a series of verified ideas for resolving the problems of the Polish administration of justice. (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

Another Way in Which 9-11 ”Changed Everything”

– My own government, in its response to the despicable violence wrought  by hijacked planes three years ago, has fallen far short of its own best traditions and in contravention, bordering on contempt, of international law, said Gara LaMarche, Vice-President and Director of U.S. Programs, Open Society Institute, at the HRH Anniversary Conference 13 October. (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

THe drafting on the UN Declaration on defenders

Use of violence in promoting human rights was a highly disputed issue in the drafting of the UN Declaration on human rights defenders in 1998, said Jan Helgesen, one of the key persons in this process. Helgesen spoke at the HRH conference 13 October. (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

Norwegian MP: – Human rights houses can facilitate protection

– Human Rights Houses can facilitate protection, said Norwegian MP Thorbørn Jagland, who spoke at the Opening of the HRH Anniversary Conference 13 October. (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

– Our job is to try to keep them alive

– Human rights defenders working on the front line are the ones who bring about change. It is our job to try to keep them alive and contribute to creating the space for them to be able to carry out their legitimate activities without fear of persecution, said Mary Lawlor from Frontline at HRH´s Anniversary conference ´Activists under Attack. Defending the Right to be a Human Rights Defender. Frontline provides practical assistance to defenders at risk. (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

Crackdown on demonstrators, one journalist killed in Belarus

Representatives of the Human Rights House Network condemn the crackdown on peaceful demonstrators, journalists and representatives of the political opposition by Belarusian authorities.  (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

Belarus: Statement and press releases document severe irregularities

In one statement and several press releases over the last few days, the Human Rights Center VIASNA documents severe irregularities in the recent Belarusian elections. This new information strongly supports the initial impressions that the elections were a farce, and that President Lukashenko has reinforced his position as Europe´s last true dictator. (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

– Our job is to try to keep them alive

– Human rights defenders working on the front line are the ones who bring about change. It is our job to try to keep them alive and contribute to creating the space for them to be able to carry out their legitimate activities without fear of persecution, said Mary Lawlor from Frontline at HRH´s Anniversary conference ´Activists under Attack. Defending the Right to be a Human Rights Defender. Frontline provides practical assistance to defenders at risk. (22-OCT-04)

October 22, 2004

Azerbaijani activists need Human Rights House, reads letter to Mr. Petersen

As part of his tour of the South Caucasus region the Norwegian Foreign Minister, Chairman of the Council of Europe´s (CE) Ministerial Committee Jan Petersen met with a group of key Azerbaijani human rights defenders on 12th of October.  On behalf of about 15 Azerbaijani human rights NGOs Fuad Hasanov, a local human rights activist, delivered to Mr. Petersen an open letter, where the human rights defenders highly encourage the establishment of a Human Rights House in Baku. According to the NGOs such a house will make the human rights movement more visible, accessible and improve the security for human rights defenders in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (22-OCT-2004)