

March 2, 2005

New university campus: Sold to the United States

It is now a done deal. A part of the “Marshal Tito” base, which has been planed to be a new university campus with all facilities for better life of students, is cheaply sold to the United States for building the embassy facility. This is the greatest robbery in the history of students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (02-MAR-05)

March 2, 2005

Mines to be removed in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The government of Bosnia and Herzegovina has decided to support the removal of all mines in populated areas by 2009. Today, the country is one of the world´s most affected. (02-MAR-05)

March 2, 2005

Kurdish human rights defender released, without being sent to Turkey

Remzi Kartal, the Kurdish politician and human rights defender for whom the Norwegian Council for the Rights of Kurdish People (RKR) and the Human Rights House Foundation (HRH) appealed last week, has been released from custody in Germany with guarantees that he will not be extradited to Republic of Turkey. (02-MAR-05)

March 1, 2005

Rebiya Kadeer cried with joy

Four months after being awarded the Rafto Memorial Prize, Rebiya Kadeer (picture) finally received the news last month. She cried with joy, her son Mustafa Rouzi told Bergens Tidende. 58 year old Kadeer is currently in prison. For years she has been fighting for the Uyghur minority’s basic rights in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. (01-MAR-2005)

March 1, 2005

Siarhei Skrabets and Leanid Nevar are arrested in connection with the actions of protest held by ent

On 27 February unknown people in civil clothes detained the former deputy of the Chamber of Representatives, Siarhei Skrabets in Hrodna. The activist of the Businessmen’s Association Perspective, Leanid Nevar was arrested in the town of Rechytsa.(1-MAR-2005)

March 1, 2005

Persecution of women’s initiatives

On 21 February Ms. Sakalouskaya, a judge of the Supreme Court, ruled to liquidate the public association Belarusian Women’s Movement Adradzhenne Aichyny (Homeland’s Revival).
On 25 February Mahiliou Regional Department of Justice warned the women’s public association Liubava in Horki. (1-MAR-2005)

March 1, 2005

The authorities try to derpive the Union of Belarusian Writers of most of its premises

At its sitting on 22 February the Council of the Union of Belarusian Writers rejected the ultimatum of the Presidential Office heads which had earlier requested that the organization leave most of the premises they now occupy in the House of Writers. The Presidential Office response runs as follows, “They are not being thrown out into the street, it´s just that they´ve been offered smaller premises than they currently occupy”. The Presidential Office requested that the Union of Writers occupy 10 times less area of the House of Writers than they do now: 58 square meters instead of 614. (1-MAR-2005)

March 1, 2005

Siarhey Antonchyk and Dzmitry Shkulkou get fined

Fines remain a useful means of persecution. Two persons have been recently fined by the court in connection with their political activity. (1-MAR-2005)

March 1, 2005

Prosecutor’s office becomes more active in persecuting political and public activists

In February 2005 Belarusian prosecutor’s offices of different levels increased the pressurization of well-known oppositional activists. Most often people are summoned concerning criminal cases brought for defamation of president or the authorities or dissemination of undesirable information. (01-MAR-2005)

March 1, 2005

Concert for victims of human rights violations

The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights organized on February 27 at the Aquarius Club a humanitarian concert for victims of human rights violations.  A number of very popular bands and DJs from all over Republic of Croatia performed onstage and entire contribution of well-attended concert was dedicated to providing direct help to the human rights victims. (1-MAR-05)

March 1, 2005

Rebiya Kadeer cried with joy

Four months after being awarded the Rafto Memorial Prize, Rebiya Kadeer (picture) finally received the news last month. She cried with joy, her son Mustafa Rouzi told the newspaper Bergens Tidende. 58 year old Kadeer is currently in prison. For years she has been fighting for the Uyghur minority’s basic rights in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. (01-MAR-2005)

February 28, 2005

To the people of North Korea: “We have heard your cries and know your suffering”

Resolution, Seoul, February 16, 2005:
We have gathered for the 6th International Conference on North Korean Human Rights and Refugees from the countries of France, Republic of Poland, Norway, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, as well as defectors from the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea, to affirm to the people of the world, especially to the people of the Democratic People´s Republic of North Korea, that they are entitled to the same freedoms, democratic values and human rights enjoyed by free people everywhere and enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (28-FEB-2005)