

March 12, 2005

Manifa is yummy!

Already the eighth manifestation Manifa – meaning a peaceful demonstration on the occasion of the International Women’s Day – took place on Sunday 6 March. The organizers were The Women on the 8 March Agreement and the Lesbians’ Agreement. A colorful parade passed through the main streets of Warsaw, accompanied by essential speeches and happenings. (12-MAR-05)

March 11, 2005

Russian activists fear more terror after Maskhadov’s death

Maskhadov’s death could lead to an escalation of the conflict in the Chechen Republic and spread the military actions, said Liubov Vinogradova (picture) from the Russian Research Center for Human Rights in Moscow. The Soldiers Mothers´ Committee hopes to continue negotiations once a new Chechen leader appears. (10-MAR-05)

March 10, 2005

Russian activists fear more terror after Maskhadov’s death

Maskhadov’s death could lead to an escalation of the conflict in the Chechen Republic and spread the military actions, said Liubov Vinogradova (picture) from the Russian Research Center for Human Rights in Moscow. The Soldiers Mothers´ Committee hopes to continue negotiations once a new Chechen leader appears. (10-MAR-05)

March 10, 2005

Russia’s Crime Rate Dropping Because Crimes Aren’t Registered

Russia’s Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov has said that the registered number of crimes in the country underestimated the real number by three times. Speaking at a State Duma session on Wednesday, he said that there were not the 2.9 million crimes in the Russian Federation, but something more like 9-12 million. (10-MAR-2005)

March 10, 2005

Elser award is granted to the soldier’s mothers of Russia

The George Elser award 2005 is granted  to the Union of committees of soldier´s mothers of the Russian Federation. Jury decision is noted that the Russian public organization is awarded for the efforts directed on the war termination  in Chechen Republic. (10-MAR-05)

March 10, 2005

Dalai Lama: Growing restrictions for Tibetan people

The Tibetan people have been facing suspicions and growing restrictions, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said today at the 46th anniversary of the Tibetan People’s Uprising. – The lack of true ethnic equality and harmony based on trust, and the absence of genuine stability in Tibet clearly shows that things are not well in Tibet, the Dalai Lama stated. (10-MAR-05)

March 9, 2005

Chechen Leader Maskhadov Is Dead

Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov was killed  on Tuesday, Russian army spokesman Ilya Shabalkin said (09-MAR-2005).

March 9, 2005

“We Have Broken the Silence on Chechnya”

Valentina Melnikova, the chairperson of the new party “Soldiers’ Mothers” told why there was a need for the party and of the importance of a peace settlement in the Chechen Republic. While liberal parties are trying — in vain, it must be said — to forge a coalition, a party of a new type is being established in the Russian Federation. The United People’s Party of Soldiers’ Mothers belongs neither to the right nor to the left wing. Public opinion polls held by the Levada Center in October showed that 72 percent of respondents approved of the activities of the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers. (09-MAR-05)

March 9, 2005

Russian Research Center for Human Rights Conference: two years results

Last Thursday, 3 of March, Conference of the Russian Research Center for Human Rights (RRCHR) took place. (09-MAR-05)

March 9, 2005

Ugandan NGOs against “life presidency”

About 90 non-government organisations have opposed a proposal in the Constitution Amendment Bill, 2005, to lift presidential term limits. – Lifting term limits is to ignore the very lessons we claim to have learnt, the National Coordinator of the Ugandan Human Rights Network,  Martin Masiga (picture), also co-ordinating the Republic of Uganda Human Rights House Project, told journalists in Kampala yesterday. (7-MAR-05)

March 9, 2005

Kenya: CLARION faults Witness Protection Bill

The proposed Witness Protection Bill, 2004, interferes with the globally recognised rights of an accused person, The Centre for Law and Research International (CLARION) warns. Clarion, one of the seven NGOs involved in the Human Rights House project in Nairobi, sounded the alarm last week, saying the Bill was in conflict with the recognised right to fair trial. (9-MAR-05)

March 8, 2005

International Women’s Day: Internet dissidents under attack

Women who use the Internet to disseminate their ideas have found themselves caught up in some governments´ harsh attempts to control information exchange on the worldwide web. To mark this year´s Women´s Day on 8 March, English PEN is focusing on cases of women under attack for using new information technology to challenge their governments. (08-MAR-05)