

May 13, 2005

Preliminary Detention to Andrei Klimau Is Prolonged

Andrei Klimau, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the 13th Convocation, is kept in investigative isolator since 22 April. The investigation accuses him in organization of a street action on 25 March that allegedly led to mass riot. (13-MAY-2005)

May 13, 2005

Moscow Court Follows Belarusian Example

In Moscow Basmanny Court punished participants of the protest action against the imprisonment of Chrnobyl Way action participants in Republic of Belarus. Six Moscow protestors were sentenced to different terms of arrest, one was fined. (13-MAY-2005)

May 13, 2005

New Events Related to Missing Persons

The active investigative measures were renewed on the case of the disappearance of Dzmitry Zavadski, cameraman of the Russian ORT TV channel. On the solicitation of Hary Pahaniaila, defense lawyer of Zavadski’s relatives, the investigation searches for the body in the towns of Orsha and Krupki. The General Procurator’s Office of Republic of Belarus tells nothing about the details of this search, referring to the secret of investigation. At the same time, the commemorative actions dedicated to Iury Zakhranka, are dispersed by riot squad police. (15-MAY-2005)

May 13, 2005

Police Injure Boy’s Wrist During Detention

On 26 April in Minsk the traditional Chernobyl Way action took place in Minsk. Despite the peaceful nature of the action, the riot squad police acted violently. They dispersed the action and detained Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian citizens, most of whom were imprisoned afterwards. During the detention they seriously injured wrist to under-aged boy. (15-MAY-2005)

May 13, 2005

Reverend Terasawa in Poland!

At 6 p.m. on Wednesday 11th May, a meeting with Reverend Terasawa, the Buddhist monk of the Nipponzan Myohoji order working in support of world peace, took place at the headquarters of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. (13-MAY-05)

May 13, 2005

HRH asks governments to adopt policies to protect defenders

– We want governments to adopt transparent, comprehensive, and verifiable policies to protect human rights defenders, both in their own countries and abroad, says Maria Dahle Executive Director of the Human Rights House Foundation, in the introduction to the Human Rights House Network Annual Report 2004. Read more about the activities at the established and emerging Human Rights Houses in Oslo, Moscow, Warsaw, Sarajevo, Bergen, London, Zagreb, Nairobi, Kampala, Minsk, Baku, Istanbul, and Bogota. 

May 13, 2005

Attack on Rebiya Kadeer’s family and business

Several of the recently released Uighur spokeswoman Rebiya Kadeer´s employees were brutally arrested by Chinese police yesterday. Her son is in hiding. The Rafto Foundation asks the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take action. (13-MAY-05)

May 12, 2005

Azerbaijan: Lack of registration hinders NGOs’ activities

According to official statistics, 2935 local non-governmental organizations operate in the Republic of Azerbaijan . The Ministry of Justice, the top body on granting registration, has registered only 1769 of them, while the rest 962 NGOs exist without registration. A report compiled by the OSCE office in Baku says that the registration of non-governmental organisations in Republic of Azerbaijan continues to be problematic.  (12-MAY-2005)

May 12, 2005

Azerbaijan: Lack of registration hinders NGOs’ activities

According to official statistics, 2935 local non-governmental organizations operate inAzerbaijan . The Ministry of Justice, the top body on granting registration, has registered only 1769 of them, while the rest 962 NGOs exist without registration. A report compiled by the OSCE office in Baku says that the registration of non-governmental organisations in the Republic of Azerbaijan continues to be problematic.  (12-MAY-2005)

May 11, 2005

Polish immigrant given the Fritt Ord award

Last night, Professor Nina Witoszek was awarded Fritt Ords Pris for her more than two decades’ long contribution to Norwegian and international public debate, all through her valuable utilisation of the freedom of expression she left Republic of Poland in the early 80s to regain. Ever since, and through both her fictional and academic writing, she has been among the most prolific, original and interesting participants in numerous debates, especially on cultural myths and national identity. (11-MAY-05)

May 11, 2005

Union of trade unions condemns Norwegian companies’ trading with Burma

-Get out of Burma! The Norwegian Petroleum Fund’s investments in companies that are doing business in Burma must be withdrawn immediately, says deputy leader of the orwegian union of trade unuons, Finn Erik Thoresen. The messages is conveyed directly to the Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik. (11-MAY-05)

May 10, 2005

The Feminist Movement in Tunisia, 1920 – 2000

Women, and the women’s movement, have suffered severe suppression in Tunisia. Recently, Khedija Arfaoui presented a paper outlining th history of the feminist movement in Tunisia from the 1920s to 2000s at the Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting in Florence and MOntecatini, Italy. HRH has had regular contact with human rights organisations in Tunisia, and is pleased to refer our readers to this and other papers from the conference. (10-MAY-05)