

February 28, 2006

Rafto Price laureate Lidija Yusupova sees gloomy future for Russian NGO’s

Thursday February 23 Rafto Price laureate Lidija Yusupova visited the Human Rights House in Oslo to inform Norwegian civil society on the new NGO-law in the Russian Federation that will come into force April 10. One of the consequences of the law is that all financial transfers to Russian NGO´s in the future will have to be approved by the Russian authorities. “The new law will make it even more difficult for Russian NGO´s to do their work.” (28-FEB-06)

February 28, 2006

Rafto Price laureate Lidija Yusupova sees gloomy future for Russian NGO’s

Thursday February 23 Rafto Price laureate Lidija Yusupova visited the Human Rights House in Oslo to inform Norwegian civil society on the new NGO-law in the Russian Federation that will come into force April 10. One of the consequences of the law is that all financial transfers to Russian NGO´s in the future will have to be approved by the Russian authorities. “The new law will make it even more difficult for Russian NGO´s to do their work.” (28-FEB-06)

February 27, 2006

Police record 450 cases of poll violence in Uganda

The police have recorded 450 cases of election violence during this year’s election period, the police boss, Maj. Gen. Kale Kayihura, has said.He, however, hastened to add that the general security situation during the time was “quite good as acknowledged by all the commentators” in the country apart from a few isolated cases of voter intimidation and bribery. (27-FEB-06)

February 27, 2006

Minsk and Warsaw – A common cause

On 16 February demonstrations of support for democratic transformation in the Republic of Belarus were held once again in most cities throughout Republic of Poland. The campaigns were organized by Polish non-governmental organizations. Their participants called on the president of Republic of Belarus to ensure that the elections scheduled for 19 March are free and democratic. (24-FEB-06)

February 25, 2006

23 February Holiday as a reflection of society’s attitude to military service in Russia

The government has celebrated Defenders of the Fatherland Day, 23 February, with ceremonial actions and opposition parties and human rights organizations have held protest actions and have carried out requiem for the deceased in Russian army during military service. According to Levada-Center sociologists, 53% of Russian people would try to evade military service by any possible means if they were called up now. (25-FEB-06)

February 24, 2006

The festival in Lublin has been called off!

The Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) has decided to call off the 4thTraveling Film Festival “Human Rights in Film” in Lublin, scheduled for 22 – 26 February 2006. This was due to the fact that the Chancellor of the Marie Curie-Sk³odowska University (UMCS) issued a ban on the presentation of the exhibition “T-shirt for Freedom”, which was planned as a supporting event by the local organizers of the festival. (24-FEB-06)

February 24, 2006

Minsk and Warsaw – A common cause

On 16 February demonstrations of support for democratic transformation in the Republic of Belarus were held once again in most cities throughout Republic of Poland. The campaigns were organized by Polish non-governmental organizations. Their participants called on the president of Republic of Belarus to ensure that the elections scheduled for 19 March are free and democratic. (24-FEB-06)

February 24, 2006

Human rights School in Bosnia Hercegovina

MOSTAR – The Norwegian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (NHC) and Nansen Dialogue Centre Mostar organized in February a Human Rights School for high school teachers from Mostar, Konjic and Stolac in Bosnia Hercegovina (BiH). (24-FEB-06)

February 23, 2006

Belarusian Helsinki committee is under threats of being closed.

On the first of March, a criminal case against the chairman of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), Tatiana Protko, because of tax evasion, was resumed. During the prosecution the last republican Human Rights association might be liquidated and BHC leaders are threatened with seven years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. (04-MARCH-06)

February 23, 2006

Belarusian Activists Against Pressure

The Human Rights Center Viasna appeals  on the international community and human rights organizations and lodges its strong protest against the unprecedented tide of pressure and intimidation against civil society activists, which occurred on 21 February 2006 in many cities of Republic of Belarus. (23-FEB-06)

February 22, 2006

Four Belarusian President candidates

The Belarusian Central Election Committee registered four Presidential Candidates on January 17.  A. Milinkevich, A. Lukashenko, A. Kazulin, and S. Gaidukevich got the certificate as Presidential Candidates. Nevertheless Milinkevich´s regional teams are subjected to sytematic pressure from authorities (21-FEB-06)

February 21, 2006

Christian Schwarz-Schilling, the new High Representative

On 31 January 2006, Bosnia and Herzegovina received the new, fifth High Representative – Christian Schwarz-Schilling (right). Schwarz-Schilling has been engaged in work with Bosnia and Herzegovina for a long time already, having worked as a mediator during and after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. His appointment to the post of the High Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina was welcomed by many citizens, who recognized him as a true friend of this country. (21-FEB-06)