

March 17, 2006

Norway’s human rights record far from flawless, new report concludes

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has released its annual report on the Norwegian human rights situation. -The worst violations in 2005 happened in relation to the handling of refugee cases. Once again, Norway does not act in accordance with UNHCR’s recommendations. -We are particularly concerned about the consequences for the Chechen refugees that are being returned to the Russian Federation, says deputy Secretary General Gunnar M. Karlsen, right. (17-MAR-06)

March 16, 2006

PEN hit by crackdown on NGOs

Russian PEN has become the latest victim of Putin´s campaign against free speech. Free speech defenders at Russian PEN Centre have been hit with an order freezing their organisation´s assets and threatening the group´s future ¨C a step widely seen as both unjust and probably politically motivated. The order came after allegations that the organization has failed to pay land tax. The charges come at the height of an apparent crackdown on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the Russian Federation, particularly those with an international dimension. (17-MAR-06)

March 16, 2006

Index on Censorship announces awards shortlist

Index on Censorship has announced the shortlists for its annual Freedom of Expression Awards in London on 22 March 2006, honouring journalists, writers, lawyers, campaigners, filmmakers and whistleblowers who have made a significant contribution to free expression over the past year The awards, in their sixth year, will be presented at a special reception hosted by Anna Ford and sponsored by Bloomberg LP. (16-MAR-06)

March 16, 2006

Official statement of Belarusian Association of Journalists

The Belarusian Association of Journalists expresses solidarity and support to all its colleagues, including the foreign ones, who have met difficulties with access to information in the Republic of Belarus and are facing restrictions of their professional activity.(16-MARCH-06)

March 16, 2006

Rebiya Kadeer: One year in freedom! Adel Al Hakim: Still behind bars

Today, 16 March, marks the first anniversary of Rebiya Kadeer’s, right, release from Chinese prison. During Kadeer’s first year in freedom we have experienced increased international awareness on the plight of the Uyghurs. But the mission is far from accomplished: Uyghurs are still facing tremendous difficulties within the Xinjiang province, and innocent men are still caught in a limbo on Guantanamo. (16-MAR-06)

March 16, 2006

Norwegian youth voices solidarity with the Belarusian opposition

Under the name Belarus16,  a unique coalition of 15 organisations, of which 13 were youth organisations, on 16 March voiced solidarity with the opposition in the Republic of Belarus by organising a rally in the centre of Oslo. During the demonstration, people were reminded of the fact that the political situation in the Republic of Belarus, which is as close to Norway as for example Belgium, is a European problem. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kjetil Skogrand said he is doing everything he can to liberate the people of Republic of Belarus. (16-MAR-06)

March 16, 2006

-A major step forward for the protection of victims

The creation of a new Human Rights Council by the United Nations General Assembly is a major step forward for the protection of victims worldwide, Human Rights Watch said today. The group urged U.N. members to make the new body as effective as possible by electing the best candidates from all regions of the world and by establishing strong rules and procedures. (16-MAR-06)

March 15, 2006

Lawlessness at Belarusian courts

The electoral campaign in the Republic of Belarus started more than three weeks ago. During this time the police detained more than 300 persons. More than 40 of them (including Valiantsin Viachorka, the chair of the BPF Party and the proxy of the candidate to the presidential position Aliaksandr Milinkevich) were sentenced to 15 days of arrest by ‘fair and independent courts’. (13-MARCH-06)

March 15, 2006

HRH and Norwegian PEN condemn the beating and arresting of journalists

The Human Rights House Foundation and Norwegian PEN strongly condemn the beating and arresting of journalists that were covering the arrest of presidential candidate Aleksandr Kozulin’s on Thursday 2 March. The police actions consider a severe violation of the right that all people have to practice their profession as a journalist according to article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reads the statement (15-MARCH-06).

March 15, 2006

Suicide, a common escape from it all among Kurdish women

Every year, hundreds of Kurdish women commit suicide, most commonly by burning themselves to death, in Kurdistan. What are the reasons why so many young women chose such a painful and dramatic way to end their lives, ask freelance journalist Abdollah Hejab and Liv Kjølseth, right, of the Norwegian Council or the Rights of the Kurds. (15-MAR-06)

March 14, 2006

B.a.B.e.: Media in Croatia discriminate women

The overall position of women in Croatian society, in spite of Government efforts and  accepted international standards in domestic legislation, remains to be one of the greatest obstacles for combating discrimination in the Republic of Croatia. Consequently, the media in particular show low level of gender sensitivity, often portraying women in a sexist manner and relying largely on soft pornography as an advertising strategy. (14-MAR-06)

March 14, 2006

Halabja: 18 years after the attacks Kurds are still suffering

-I cannot sleep at night because I am suffocating. I can’t walk for long periods of time. Physicians say it cannot be cured and it is the effect of the chemical bombing. said Parwin Mohammed (56) to journalist Ismail Osman in an article published by the ‘Institute for war and peace reporting’ recently. The Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) observes the sad anniversary this week. (14-MAR-06)