

April 16, 2007

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights greets Murmansk conference

– Human rights education work constitutes an important investment towards fostering just societies in which all human rights of all persons are valued and respected, said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour (right), at a conference in Murmansk initiated by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee. (16-APR-07)

April 16, 2007

New report on free speech in Tunisia says the siege holds

In its fourth report on freedom of expression conditions in Tunisia, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) Tunisian Monitoring Group (TMG) concludes that it is still increasingly important that free expression and human rights groups, as well as the international community at large still keep monitoring developments in Tunisia. (11-APR-07)

April 16, 2007

Human Rights House concept welcomed in Kabul

The Human Rights House concept was welcomed by Afghan human rights defenders when The Human Rights House Foundation visited Kabul last month together with the Norwegian PEN. Najia Haneefi (right ) was one of many women working for women’s rights who said she feels isolated and stigmatized and needs a stronger regional and international network.(16-APR-07)

April 16, 2007

Mass arrests in Petersburg and Moscow

Police violently quashed an opposition march near Pushkin Square on Saturday 14th of March, beating and detaining more than 100 people. Yesterday the police violently clashed with protesters in St. Petersburg.  The Dissenters’ Marches this weekend are the third and forth in recent months to be suppressed or violently dispersed by the police.  (16-APR-07).

April 15, 2007

Seminar: The impact of EU reforms on the fight against torture in Turkey

Tomorrow at 14:00, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Committee of the Norwegian Medical Association co-host a seminar at the Human Rights House in Oslo on Human Rights Developments in the Republic of Turkey: The Impact of the EU Reform Process on the Fight Against Torture. From Republic of Turkey, the two key speakers are Yavuz Önen, President, and Metin Bakkalci, Executive Director of the Turkish Human Rights Foundation. (15-APR-07)

April 14, 2007

Memorials held for the slain journalists

7th April a rally in memory of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who perished exactly six months ago, was held in the center of Moscow. Participants of the rally recalled all journalists killed in post-Soviet the Russian Federation and they also demanded a stop to persecutions of political prisoners and to violence in the Chechen Republic. (14-APR-07)

April 13, 2007

Belgrade District Court found four “Scorpions” guilty

The War Crimes Chamber of the Belgrade District Court pronounced sentences  for the four accused members of the “Scorpions” unit, who had shot six Bosniak detainees from Srebrenica in July 1995 at Godinjske bare near Trnovo, and acquitted one indictee. (12-APR-07)

April 12, 2007

Four “Scorpions” found guilty

The War Crimes Chamber of the Belgrade District Court pronounced sentences  for the four accused members of the “Scorpions” unit, who had shot six Bosniak detainees from Srebrenica in July 1995 at Godinjske bare near Trnovo, and acquitted one indictee. (12-APR-07)

April 11, 2007

Belarus: Risks 5 years for internet publication

On the 3 April public activist, former member of the Parliament Andrei Klimau was arrested in Minsk. He is charged with appealing via the mass media to overthrow or forcibly change the constitutional regime. This is the first time in the modern Belarusian history that statements allegedly made in an Internet publication are used by prosecutors, and an indication of how the law can be used to infringe on the freedom of expression. (11-APR-07)

April 11, 2007

Chinese authorities against Rebiya Kadeer’s family

Kahar Abdureyim, right, Rebiya Kadeer´s oldest son, is forced to head Working Group on fines against Kadeer family. A Working Group has been established to oversee the liquidation of the business assets of Rebiya Kadeer’s family in Urumchi, the regional capital of East Turkistan, otherwise known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the People´s Republic of China. (11-APR-07)

April 11, 2007

New report on freedom of expression in Tunisia: The siege holds

In its fourth report on freedom of expression conditions in Tunisia, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) Tunisian Monitoring Group (TMG) concludes that it is still increasingly important that free expression and human rights groups, as well as the international community at large still keep monitoring developments in Tunisia. (11-APR-07)

April 11, 2007

Chinese authorities against Rebiya Kadeer’s family

Kahar Abdureyim (right), Rebiya Kadeer´s oldest son is forced to head a working group on fines against Kadeer family. The group has been established to oversee the liquidation of the business assets of Rebiya Kadeer’s family in Urumchi, the regional capital of East Turkistan, otherwise known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the People´s Republic of China. (11-APR-07)