

April 23, 2007

Culture of protest resonates in Oaxaca

On 21 March, Hardy and Kathy Will visited Mexico City and Oaxaca, where their son Brad Will was gunned down at Santa Lucia del Camino on 27 October, 2006. They arrived in the country intent on securing a more thorough investigation into the death of their son, who was shot while convering an annual protest. Contrary to state and federal prosecutors´ claims that responsibility for the violence fell to the protesters, several eyewitnesses insist the police and government officials opened fire on the crowd. The incident has had a profound effect on the atmosphere of protest in the state, and has taken a significant toll on the media there. (06-APRIL-07)

April 23, 2007

New book sheds light on repression

Sihem Ben Sedrine is just one of the many voices featured in English PEN’s new book entitled Another Sky . It contains writing, many previously unpublished, from ‘voices of conscience’ around the world. These writers decry the brutality and repression of their country’s governments and champion the advancement of free expression and non-violence. Whilst they have met with a wide variety of fates, theyare unified in the strength of their conscience. Their resistance to censorship has led to their imprisonment, torture, exile, or even death. Yet their writing bears witness to the resilience and good humour with which they have sustained themselves. (23-APR-07)

April 23, 2007

Appeal against the Belarusian membership in UN Human Rights Council

Belarusian authorities intend to get the UN HR Council membership this year. Belarusian human rights defenders urge  the international community to refuse from including representatives of Republic of Belarus to the UN Human Rights Council till the Belarusian government demonstrates real respect to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.(20-APR-07)

April 20, 2007

A round-table concerning human rights in Europe

A round-table discussion concerning the issue of how to improve the protection and promotion of human rights in present-day Europe was held on 17 April in Strasbourg at the invitation of the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner, Thomas Hammarberg, and the President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Rene van der Lindenround. (20-APR-07)

April 18, 2007

Monitoring prisons in Croatia

Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and Women´s Group B.a.B.e. will monitor situation in prisons in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the project is to improve the overall situation regarding the respect of fundamental rigths of prisoners, and the conditions in which they serve their sentences. The realization of the year-long project, funded by the Open Society Institute, will start in the coming period. (18-APR-07)

April 18, 2007

New leaders in Moscow’s Human Rights House

10th April delegates of the United Conference of the Russian Research Center for Human Rights re-elected Valentina Melnikova, leader of the Soldiers Mothers, as the Chairperson of the Board. They also elected a new Director of the Center. (17-APR-07)

April 18, 2007

Many Burmese refugees overseen or forgotten

According to the Norwegian Refugee Council´s new report Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2006, there are more than 500.000 internally displaced persons in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). The estimate is considered modest. The report directs its criticism straight at Burmese authorities since the displacement is caused by the use of force of government troops. In its most recent newsletter, released today, the Norwegian Burma Committe sums up the situation. (18-APR-07)

April 17, 2007

Western Sahara still in the wait of referendum

Some were unable to escape from Laayoune and other towns before the Moroccans arrived. Men who managed to get out joined the Polisario independence fighters and sent the women, children and old people to shelter in Tindouf. A 16-year war ended in 1991 and hope grew that the territory would be reunited. The U.N. tried to organise a vote on self-determination, but it never happened. “We want only total, perfect independence, even if I must wait 50 years to see my family again,” says Sidi Mohammed Daddach, the 2002 Rafto Prize Laureate. (17-APR-07)

April 17, 2007

Grand Prix for “On a Tightrope” at Chicago Documentary Festival

The Rafto Human Rights Series film “On a Tightrope”, portraying Uyghur children an orphanage in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, has been awarded the Short Grand Prix Award at the prestigious Chicago International Documentary Festival. It was the only Norwegian film at the festival which shows more than 100 documentaries from around the Globe. (17-APR-07)

April 17, 2007

-He’s an activist, not a criminal! Western Saharan campaigner sentenced

Rabab Amidane (22), right, studies English at the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech. Against the backdrop of one of Morocco´s livelier tourist destinations, her younger brother´s fate is to be decided today. She now pleads for Norwegian help to put pressure on Moroccan authorities so that he is not punished severely. Latest: El Oauli Amidane gets five years. (17-APR-07)

April 16, 2007

Arrests in Petersburg and Moscow

Police violently quashed an opposition march near Pushkin Square on Saturday 14th of March, beating and detaining more than 100 people.Oon Sunday the police violently clashed with protesters in St. Petersburg. The Dissenters’ Marches this weekend are the third and forth in recent months to be suppressed or violently dispersed by the police.  (16-APR-07).

April 16, 2007

Human Rights House concept welcomed in Kabul

The Human Rights House concept was welcomed by Afghan human rights defenders when the Human Rights House Foundation visited Kabul last month together with the Norwegian PEN. Najia Haneefi (right) was one of many women working for women’s rights who said she feels isolated and stigmatized and needs a stronger regional and international network.(16-APR-07)