North Korea’s crimes against humanity
Freedom House in Seoul launched on 21 May a new report detailing the Kim Jong Il regime´s crimes against humanity. Based on recent interviews with former North Korean political prisoners in the kwan-li-so or “control zone” labor camps, Concentrations of Inhumanity details the criminal acts that are being carried out in North Korea on a massive scale. (30-MAY-07)
Members of Young Front organization are free
On May 29, 2007 Belarusian court announced verdict to the members of unregistered organization Young Front. 5 young people were under the threat of being convinced for 2 years of prison. The judge fined Zmicer Hvedaruk, Aliaksei Yanushevski, Aleg Korban and Baris Garecki and imposed the court warning to Nasta Palazhanka. Belarusian democratic society together with the international human rights movement made every effort not to let Republic of Belarus have more prisoners of conscience. (30-MAY-07)
Anticorruption Coalition speaks out on new bill
On 28 May 2007, the Anticorruption Coalition of NGOs (ACNGO), of which the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights is a member, took a position on the bill being drafted by the Sejm [Lower House] regarding limitations on holding public office. Coalition members decided to present their comments on the bill as it materially amends current regulations. (29-MAY-07)
Tie the knot – no matter who you are
A ´Say Yes´ campaign for non-discriminatory marriage laws in Norway is gaining momentum. In 2008, a new marriage law, in which same-sex relationships will be granted the right to marry, will be discussed and voted over in the Norwegian Parliament. It is far from certain, however, that a majority will vote in favour of the Bill. (29-MAY-07)
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights releases annual report for 2006
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has released its 2006 Annual Report, providing a detailed account of the increasing range and impact of its human rights work around the world. The document uses charts, personal stories and photographs to portray the work of the Office. (29-MAY-07)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: You can fight mobbing
Mobbing is an English word, which is becoming very frequent in our region and means harassment at work. If you know victims of mobbing or have been victims of mobbing yourselves, then you need to know that you certainly can fight against mobbing. Branka Inic (right), lawyer in the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, gave review about legal remedies in cases of mobbing. (28-MAY-07)
Belarus not elected to the UN’s Human Rights Council
On 17 May, Republic of Belarus was defeated in a bid to the UN’s Human Rights Council. Given the decreasing human rights situation in the country, Minsk’s decision to apply for membership in the Council had mobilized widespread protests of the local as well as international human rights community. Belarusian Human Rights Center Viasna and members of the Human Rights House Network were among these. (25-MAY-07)
Belarus not elected to the UN’s Human Rights Council
On 17 May, Republic of Belarus was defeated in a bid to the UN´s Human Rights Council. Given the decreasing human rights situation in the country, Minsk’s decision to apply for membership in the Council had mobilized widespread protests of the local as well as international human rights community. Belarusian Human Rights Center Viasna and members of the Human Rights House Network were among these. (25-MAY-07)
Stop the attacks on the Sahrawi students!
Over the last two weeks, Sahrawi students at colleges and universities across Morocco and Western Sahara have been subjected to serious human rights violations. On May 23, 2007 fourty three (43) Norwegian civil society organisations, including the Rafto Foundation, signed a letter to the Moroccan government. On the right – Seltana Khaya (24-MAY-07).
HRH F signs appeal protesting mistreatment of Sahrawi students
Over the last two weeks, Sahrawi students at colleges and universities across Morocco and Western Sahara have been subjected to serious human rights violations. On 23 May, 43 Norwegian civil society organisations signed a letter to the Moroccan government, demanding that the attacks on Sahrawi students are stopped, and that their rights are respected. (24-MAY-07)
Laws discriminate people with disabilities
Current legislative acts discriminate citizens with disabilities. Most of them date since the time when FYR Macedonia was part of Yugoslavia and are not consolidated in the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, argued the organisaiton Polio Plus – Movement Against Disability in favour of the governmental initiative called – “Regulatory Guillotine” – an idea for simplifying the laws and regulations.(23-MAY-07)
Kenya’s human rights record remains poor, says Amnesty International
Kenya’s human rights record has not improved under the Narc government, says the latest report by the Amnesty International. “There have been a remarkable decline in incidents of state repression against politicians and civil societies, but government agencies are engaging in blatant violation of the rights of common citizens.” (24-MAY-07)