

June 6, 2007

Realny Azerbaijan Newspaper Evicted and Closed

On May 20 from 9 p.m. and midnight workers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations carried out an operation to officially remove all employees from the office of Realny and Gundalik Azerbaycan Newspaper and seal the facility shut. Eynulla Fatullayev, the founder and the chief editor of both of these papers who is already serving a 2.5 prison sentence since 20 April 2007, as there was announced that a criminal case for terrorism against him. (22-MAY-07)

June 6, 2007

Without Fundamental Economical Changes Press Losses Will Grow

Without being familiar with the internal situation, one may consider strange the fact that against the background of GDP growth and state budget, editorial offices´ profits in the Republic of Azerbaijan decline. While the officials convince the west in non-professionalism of national media “incapable to do business under conditions of growing opportunities” the closer look to the reality, through the below article of Mehman Aliyev (on the right), reveals completely different picture. (21-May-07)

June 6, 2007

“Childbirth with Dignity” in Azerbaijan

On 15-18 May there was held the training “Childbirth with Dignity” as a part of joint project of the Other Space Foundation (Poland-based), Women’s Association for Rational Development (WARD) and Optimed Medical Clinic. The training was conducted by experts from Republic of Poland for representatives of healthcare and media in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (20-MAY-07)

June 6, 2007

Two More Journalists Imprisoned in Azerbaijan

Rovshan Kebirli and Yashar Agazadeh, Chief Editor and his deputy of Muxalifet Newspaper, are sentenced to 2.5 years of imprisonment of the basis of articles 147.1 and 147.2 of Azerbaijan’s Criminal Code. The case stemmed from the article “AMAY is the trademark of the Aliyev family,” published on 24 February 2007. (17-MAY-07)

June 6, 2007

Journalists’ Picket Dispersed

On 15 May press representatives attempted to conduct a protest against recent pressure on freedom of expression and press. The representatives of newspapers Azadlig, Yeni Musavat, Bizim Yol, Gundelik Republic of Azerbaijan, Ganun Journal, Turan News Agency were again dispersed by police, without even a chance to read the resolution. The picket of about 50 journalists ended up with reading resolution at Baku office of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly. (16-MAY-07)

June 6, 2007

HRHF Oslo Representatives in Baku

On the first week of May, the representatives of HRHF from Oslo, Maria Dahle and Ane Tusvik Bonde, had a week’s visit to Baku. The trip was dedicated to the preparatory arrangements and fundraising activities prior to the establishment of the House in Baku. Numerous meeting with representatives of international organizations, Embassies and national organizations confirmed the importance of HRH in Baku. (08-MAY-07)

June 6, 2007

New Imprisonment

The Sabail District Court passed a verdict on the criminal case against “Senet” newspaper chief editor Samir Sedagetoglu and Rafik Tagi (on the right), author of the controversial religious article “Europe and Us”. Sedagetoglu received four years of imprisonment and Rafik Tagi received 3 years due to their alleged violation of articles 187.1 and 187.2. of Azerbaijan’s Criminal Code. (07-MAY-07)

June 6, 2007

World Press Freedom Day in Azerbaijan

World Press Freedom Day honors sacrifices around the world made for press freedom and puts pressure of governments that deny their citizenry of this basic human right. Over one hundred of journalists, human rights activists, public leaders, opposition parliament deputies and representatives of the US embassy marked World Press Freedom Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan by visiting the grave of Elmar Huseynov, slain editor of the Monitor magazine. (03-May-07)

June 5, 2007

ANS Granted License for 6 Years

On April 27 Azerbaijan’s National Television and Radio Council finally extended the license of ANS Broadcasting Company for another six years. ANS, which operates a TV station and radio station, as well as several magazines and an online news agency, is widely considered the most independent broadcaster in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (29-APR-07)

June 5, 2007

CLRPL Creates Civil Control Mechanism

The Citizens’ Labor Rights Protection League launches the project “Creation of Civil Control Mechanisms in the Areas, affected by Oil Operations”. The pilot project is being implemented in Ranjber village of Hajigabul region, which is among the most oil operations-affected areas of Republic of Azerbaijan. The project aims at creating Civil Monitoring Group, consisting of representatives of local communities, which will pass special training courses by CLRPL. (28-APR-07)

June 5, 2007

National and International Support to Realny Azerbaijan

Violence and the threat of violence against journalists have become frequent in the Republic of Azerbaijan and often such crimes are committed with impunity. A dramatic increase in defamation charges brought against journalists by state officials has further contributed to the deteriorating environment for freedom of expression. The conviction of Fatullayev (on the right), editor in chief of Realny Republic of Azerbaijan, and attack on his colleague, comes amid the Azerbaijani government’s growing hostility toward independent and opposition media, which raises serious concerns about the future of independent media and the security of journalists in the country. (26-APR-07)

June 5, 2007

One More Outspoken Journalist Imprisoned

Being the target of numerous trials and attacks for last weeks, the “Realniy Azerbaijan” started to loose real resource – the editor-in-chief Eynulla Fatullayev, one of the most outspoken journalists of Republic of Azerbaijan, was sentenced to 2.5 years of imprisonment on accusations of insult and libel. For last year he repeatedly received threats for his frequent criticism of Azerbaijani officials and for exposing instances of government corruption, but did not change his policy even after the kidnap of his father when he had to stop his activity for several months. (23-APR-07)