

June 18, 2007

June 19 – Aung San Suu Kyi’s birthday

On 19 June, Aung San Suu Kyi will celebrate her 62nd birthday. But she will be celebrating her birthday alone, under house arrest. A world-wide campaign each year takes place on her birthday. There will be a gathering at the Rafto Human Rights House on 19 June at 19:00, arranged by the Amnesty International Bergen office and Burma room at the Rafto House.

June 17, 2007

Sign appeal about the assasination of moderate Syrian Kurd leader

1 June, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the assasination of Dr. Masuq al-Kaznawi, right, the Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) appeals to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to put pressure on Syria to initiate an independent investigation of this murder, with a view to bring the responsible to justice. (17-JUNE-07)

June 17, 2007

Journalists accused for damaging prestige of Azerbaijan

The number of Azeri journalists in Baku, seeking political asylum has reached 25. Meanwhile, the deputies of Parliament accuse press representatives in “damaging the prestige of Republic of Azerbaijan in the international arena”. The deputy Siyavush Novruzov publicly stated that these journalists do not have “Azerbaijani blood”, for which the journalists prepare to file a lawsuit against him. (17-JUN-07)

June 15, 2007

NBC hosts seminar for the female half of Norway’s Burmese diaspora

On the occasion of Aung San Suu Kyi´s birthday 19 June, the Norwegian Burma Committee (NBC) will host a seminar for Burmese women in Norway. Instrumental in arranging this two-day event are NBC´s two interns, Naw Khin San Htwe from the Burmese Women´s Union and Lway Dang Jar from the Paulang Women´s Organisation, right. Their hope is to inspire Burmese women in Norway to take a more active political role. (15-JUNE-07)

June 15, 2007

Belarus leading in Europe on numbers of prisoners

According to the International Center of Investigation of Prisons at London King´s College, Republic of Belarus possesses one of the highest ratings on number of prisoners in Europe: 426 per 100 thousand population. Prisons are overcrowded, have extremely low sanitary level and there are serious threats to prisoners’ security including cases of physical violence and sexual abuse. (15-JUN-07)

June 14, 2007

Psychiatric Association Congress

19-20  May the XII Congress of the “Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia” (IPA) was held in Moscow. Psychiatrists from 27 regions of the Russian Federation, assembled in Moscow to discuss stressing issues in psychiatry, to review the Association work for the last 3 years, to determine priorities for the near future and finally try to find the answer for sacramental question: “What shall we do?” (11-JUNE-07)

June 14, 2007

Discordant Marches season is closed

On 9-11 June, the end of the autumn-spring season of Discordant Marches was marked by public rallies in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Murmansk and Ekaterinburg. The marches proved to be the calmest in their short history although the authorities imposed certain restrictions in respect to the number of participants and the location. (14-JUN-07) 

June 14, 2007

Öcalan’s lawyer at the Human Rights House Oslo

In the wake of the alleged poisoning of the imprisoned Kurd leader Abdullah Öcalan, his lawyer Ömer Günes (right) came to Oslo to meet with specialists in the medical and legal professions, media and representatives of the Union of Trade Unions´ international department. The Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) invited to an open meeting at the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo in order to draw attention to Öcalan´s plight. (14-JUNE-07)

June 13, 2007

CICC urges Ethiopia to sign and ratify Rome Staute

Twelve African member organizations of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) met last week in Addis Ababa, for a regional strategy meeting to discuss how to increase the ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute throughout sub-Saharan Africa. CICC called on the Ethiopian government to sign and ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in a bid to play its role against crimes of international concern. (13-JUNE-07)

June 12, 2007

Milan Martic sentenced to 35 years of imprisonment

The Trial Chamber of The Hague Tribunal convicted today, in a first-instance verdict, the former president of the so-called Republic of Serbian Krajina Milan Martic to 35 years of imprisonment for war crimes committed on the territories of Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. (12-JUN-07)

June 12, 2007

Öcalan’s lawyer visits the Human Rights House

Tomorrow, Wednesday 13 June, the Kurd leader Abdullah Öcalan´s lawyer Ömer Günes, right, will visit the Human Rights House. Günes is in Oslo to meet with specialists in the medical and legal professions, media and representatives of the Union of Trade Unions´ international department. To mark the occasion and draw attention to Öcalan´s plight, the Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) invites to an open meeting. (12-JUNE-07)

June 12, 2007

Milan Martic sentenced to 35 years of imprisonment

The Trial Chamber of The Hague Tribunal convicted today, in a first-instance verdict, the former president of the so-called Republic of Serbian Krajina Milan Martic to 35 years of imprisonment for war crimes committed on the territories of Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. (12-JUN-07)