

July 12, 2007

Committee to support victims of political repression established in Minsk

The committee consists of representatives of oppositional parties, NGOs and other public movements and was established simultaneously with the session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Its activity will be oriented on restoration of the victims’ rights and compensation of the material and moral harm done to them. (12-JUN-07)

July 12, 2007

The issue of human rights and needs of LGBTIQ persons in BH

Many refuse to declare their sexual orientation publicly as they are afraid they would not be able to get education or a job. “We don’t have that around here”, one can frequently hear both from an ordinary person and a senior government official. It is not surprising, therefore, that most people have a negative attitude towards LGBTIQ persons. (12-JUL-07)

July 11, 2007

Plight of the Lhotshampas

After traveling from camps in what they call their ´long march´ home, 15,000 ethnic Nepalese refugees –Lhotshampas — are stuck at the border of Nepal and India, waiting to return to their homes in Bhutan. Checkpoints have been sealed since 15 June and, following rising tension between the border police and refugees, three people are dead and 100 are injured. (11-JULY-07)

July 11, 2007

Alan Johnston freed

Freedom of expression advocates around the world celebrated the release of  Alan Johnston on the morning of 4 July. The BBC Gaza correspondent was held in captivity for 114 days by the Army of Islam group, raising new concerns about the safety of journalists in conflict zones. (4-JULY-07)

July 10, 2007

Youth human rights school on wheels

The 10th regional school for human rights organized by Helsinki Committees in the Balkans and Norwegian Helsinki Committee was held from 28th June till 5th July 2007. This school was different than the previous schools, because it was a ´school on wheels´. During the period 30 young people, aged 17-25, from Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and FYR Macedonia visited concentration camps and memorial centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Croatia. (10-JULY-07)

July 9, 2007

New law on the Polish Constitutional Tribunal?

HFHR comments concern the draft submitted on 29 June 2007 by a group of “Law and Justice” party deputies. That recent proposed amendments to the Law dated 1 August 1997 on the Constitutional Tribunal (Dz.U. [Journal of Law] of 1997, No. 102, pos. 643 as later amended; hereafter the “Law”) appear in the public discourse what may have negativ impact on Tribunal´s constitutional mission.As such, HFHR deem it necessary to express its position. (9-JUL-07)

July 9, 2007

Support to the Russian NGOs from the authorities

3 July President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin (right) signed an Order about 1.245 billion rubles appropriation for the state support of nongovernmental organizations. Human rights activists welcome the initiative, but state that the effect depends on the composition of the commission, which willl decide which organizations that will get support (06-JULY-07).

July 7, 2007

School of Human Rights for Youth

The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights organized 15th in a row School of Human  Rights for Youth. The School was organized with the long term financial support from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Heinrich Boell Foundation.  (07-JULY-07)

July 6, 2007

Nongovernmental organizations get state support

3 July President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin (right) signed an Order about 1.245 billion rubles appropriation for the state support of nongovernmental organizations. Human rights activists welcome the initiative, but state that the effect depends on the composition of the comission, which will decide which organizations will get support (06-JULY-07).

July 5, 2007

Position of Helsinki Committee in Poland

Helsinki Committee in Poland, on July 3, 2007 took a position on the stance of the Polish authorities regarding the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The HC members wrote:”The Helsinki Committee was saddened and anxious to learn that the Polish delegation at the Brussels Summit undertook initiatives clearly intended to take away from citizens in the Republic of Poland a portion of the rights that would be guaranteed under the Charter.” (05-JUL-07)

July 5, 2007

By sacrificing his own, he saved life of another person

There has been enough evil and twisted time, so I hope that those who respect my Srdjan will carry kindness and beauty on their backs in order for this country to move towards happiness and love, Srdjan’s father Rade Aleksic (right) said while receiving the principal award of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina . (05-JUL-07)

July 5, 2007

International Day in support of torture victims

On 26 June, human rights activists for the International Day of solidarity with torture victims published a collection “Torture in Russian Federation: Authorities, Human Rights Activists and the UN Committee against Torture Position.” The collection is a result of joint efforts of the colaition of non-governmental organizations that includes the Russian Research Center for Human Rights. (28-JUNE-07)